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Urban ecology within multidisciplinary educative framework

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ReimaMirela SaadoSertić Al-JarfPerić1, Bojana Bojanić Obad Šćitaroci2, Ana Sopina2, Vesna Gulin Beljak1

1University Kingof SaudZagreb, University,Faculty Saudiof ArabiaScience, Croatia

2University of Zagreb, Faculty of Architecture, Croatia

Education for sustainable development

Number of the paper: 103105  


Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)Cities are notcomplex integratedecosystems inand anyhabitats EFLfor coursesmore thatthan half of world’s population. The aim of this work is to present how students takeand atprofessors myfrom college.two Therefore,faculties awithin classthe blogUniversity wasof createdZagreb inwork antogether EFLto writinginvestigate coursecase studies of urban parks as places for freshmanall studentsliving tobeings. findThe outresearch itsprojects effect on students’ writing skill development and awareness of SDG. Each week, a specific and tangible topic related to an SDG (no poverty, zero hunger, good health and well-being, quality education, gender equality, clean water and sanitation, affordable and clean energy, decent work and economic growth, industry, innovation, and infrastructure, reduced inequality, sustainable cities and communities, responsible consumption and production, climate action, life below water, life on land, peace, justice, and strong institutions) was posteddeveloped by the instructor.students combine knowledge and methods from both the Faculty of Science (Department of Biology) and the Faculty of Architecture (Department of Urban Planning, Spatial Planning and Landscape Architecture). Students select a site where they develop a project proposal as part of their intervention theme to improve life in the neighbouring communities, considering the impact on biodiversity, activities, landscaping, and public space quality. The studentswork searched for videos, photos or articles related tocompares the assignedurban SDGdesign and wrote a blog post that describes the photo, summarizes the video or article content. Participation goals were integrated. The students had to write their reaction to the goal, post solutions, comments, and feedback on their classmates’ blog posts. They worked on their blog posts individually, in pairs and small group. The instructor served as a facilitator while the students were blogging.  Comparisonsapproach of the posttest scores ofarchitecture students whowith bloggedthe aboutbiodiversity SDG and those who used paper-and-pencil assignments showed significant differences in writing skill improvement in favorapproach of the blogbiology group.students Studentsusing the case studies of Park Mladenaca, Park Kajzerica and Dugave Park in New Zagreb. These case studies were a part of series of parallel workshop and seminar assignments during three academic years from 2021 to 2024. The results show that a multidisciplinary approach is an important step in understanding and planning sustainable urban transformations in open public spaces. The educative experience of cooperation between the Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Architecture is a successful example of education framework within sustainable development goals. As such, it is also an invitation to a broader discourse on exploring students’ assignments from different perspectives, in the bloghope groupthat hadthe positivemultidisciplinary attitudes,approach enjoyedwill interactingbecome inter- and collaborating with their classmates and reflecting on their own writing. Blogging about SDG proved to be effectivetransdisciplinary in enhancing the students’ writing skills and SDG awareness. The study gave recommendations for integrating SDG in EFL speaking and reading courses.future.


Key words

EFLbiodiversity; writinglandscape practice;architecture; freshmanurban students;design; globalurban issues;parks; participationZagreb goals