The changesSustainable takingDevelopment placeGoals atrepresent a transformative plan to create a better and more sustainable future for the Europeanentire world. One of the high-ranking goals of sustainable development is quality and globalinclusive leveleducation for all children, which confirms the belief that it is a powerful and inproven nationalmeans educationalof policiessustainable affectdevelopment. adultIn educationorder systems,to achieve the professionalset status(sub)goals, it is important to integrate play into the teaching and learning process, especially in the classroom, because it is a fundamental and primordial activity that fully corresponds to the child's nature and represents an important path for the child's development. Because of andragogues,play, the child gets to know its environment, learns about itself, others, and the world in general, but also develops a sense of security, self-control, independence, develops competences, and strengthens self-confidence. The child develops creativity, cooperation, and entrepreneurship during play. The aim of the abiltypaper is to determineshow, using the competenciesexample requiredof today.a We can say that today'children's circumstancesgame, conceringthe adultpossibilities educationof integrated teaching, which enables students to see the connection between different teaching subjects and the importance of interdisciplinarity, which is life veryitself differentand fromlife thosesituations. thatThe existedmethods used in the lastresearch decade.are Incontent analysis method, historical method, and descriptive method. The research results confirm the lastimportance tenof years,play lifelongin educationa haschild's become an imperative for successlife, and onethat children can be the creators of thea preconditionsgame forthat survival onincludes the global scene.
Today, when the target group is no longer students in the immediate vicinitycontents of education institutions, but residents of the whole world, we must think aboutvarious teaching in foreign languages, teaching in an online environment,subjects, but also aboutdevelops currentdifferent andkey potential methods and procedurescompetences that will creatively contribute toare the starting point for every individual in a knowledge-based society. In this process, the role and competences of the individualsteacher are extremely important, because they encourage the development of the child's skills and theirabilities, competitivenessencourage oncooperation with peers, involve them in activities in the laborclass, market.and Withenable allan adequate share of play in the changinglesson. componentsThrough inplay, upbringingthe child prepares for the present and education at all levels, the onlyfuture, constantand therefore it is learningnecessary andfor knowledge acquisition throughout life.
The concept of lifelong education pushes the boundaries of education that does not end with formal education and enables changing professions and titles even after formal education, in adulthood, as well as the acquisition of additional competencies. This paper presents certain creative andragogic methods that are especially accepted by the population of younger people who have completed the regular education system, but want to retrain orits further traindevelopment.
and improve in their profession.