Word associations and the development of emotion and affective state nouns in elementary school students / Verbalne asocijacije i razvoj imenica za emocije i afektivna stanja kod učenika osno
The importance of art education for the cognitive, social, and emotional development of children and youth |
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Abstract |
Although abstract words, including those for emotions and other affective states, have recently been the focus of cognitive research (among others, in a series of works from the laboratories led by Barsalou, McRae or Vigliocco, and those from the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen), comparative research on their development during elementary school has been limited.
With this in mind, we have collected school-aged children's word associations for nouns for emotions (like happiness) or states with an affective charge (hope) to examine how they change as the children grow. The number of We analysed the content of these fields, thus determining how the perception of certain words develops or even emerges (as in the
Key words |
Važnost umjetničkog obrazovanja |
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Sažetak |
Iako su apstraktne riječi, uključujući i one za emocije i druga afektivna stanja, u posljednje vrijeme u žiži kognitivnih istraživanja (između ostalih, u nizu radova iz laboratorija koje vode Barsalou, McRae ili Vigliocco te onih s Instituta za psiholingvistiku Max Planck u Nijmegenu), njihov razvoj nije toliko usporedno praćen kod djece različite dobi.
Imajući Nakon toga, pristupilo se analizi sadržaja ovih polja te se moglo utvrditi kako se doživljaj određenih riječi razvija ili čak, u slučaju nekih (poput ljubomora), i tek stvara. Kao što često biva s apstraktnim riječima općenito, vidno je da je u pitanju difuzna skupina. No, kao opća tendencija može se zamijetiti razvoj u smjeru stereotipnijih odgovora, kao i
Ključne riječi |