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145 rezultat

Children’s and adolescent literature in the classroom and in the education of future German language teachers / Dječja i adolescentska književnost u nastavi i u obrazovanju učitelja njemačkog

Book of Abstracts STOO4 Education for personal and professional...

Iris Šmidt Pelajić University of Zagreb, Faculty of Teacher Education Education for personal and professional development Number of the paper: 61   Abstract The pa...

challenges of the future
književna kompetencija;
encouraging creativity
kurikul nastavnoga predmeta Hrvatski jezi
intercultural competence
školska lektira;
literary and reading competence;
personality development

Material labor rights of teachers in the Republic of Croatia - are educational workers an underpaid profession / Radno-materijalna prava učitelja i nastavnika u Republici Hrvatskoj – jesu li

Book of Abstracts STOO4 Education for personal and professional...

Vatroslav Zovko University of Zagreb, Faculty of Teacher Education Education for personal and professional development Number of the paper: 62   Abstract Human r...

legal framework;
zakonski okvir
primary and secondary school;
nastavno osoblje
osnovna i srednja škola;
teaching staf

Assessment of the quality of teaching in an online environment - parents' perspective / Procjena kvalitete nastave u online okružju – perspektiva roditelja

Book of Abstracts STOO4 Education for personal and professional...

Violeta Valjan Vukić, Martina Raboteg University of Zadar Education for personal and professional development Number of the paper: 63   Abstract The pandemic of the COVI...

online teaching;
kvaliteta online nastave;
pandemic COVID-19;
pandemija bolesti COVID-19;

Self-Efficacy and Inclusive Education Practice: Differences Among Elementary School Teachers

Book of Abstracts STOO4 Education for social and cultural diver...

Vanja Marković, Mirjana Radetić-Paić*, Jurka Lepičnik Vodopivec *Faculty of Educational Sciences, Juraj Dobrila Universita, Pula, Croatia Education for social and cultural diversity Number of the p...

classroom teachers,
inclusive practice
subject teachers

Risky and outdoor play in early and preschool education /Rizična i igra na otvorenom u ranom i predškolskom odgoju i obrazovanju

Book of Abstracts STOO4 Education for social and cultural diver...

Violeta Valjan Vukić1, Kristina Saleta2 1 University of Zadar, 2 Dječji vrtić Sunčana Odgoj i obrazovanje za socijalnu i kulturalnu raznolikost  Broj rada: 85   Sažetak ...

hipermedijacija; intertekstualnost; osjetljive teme; posmodernistički postupci; žargon
hypermediation, intertextuality, jargon, postmodernist procedures, sensitive topics

Development of vocational curricula as part of the ESF project Modernisation of the Vocational Education and Training System in the Health sector

Book of Abstracts STOO4 Education for sustainable development

Đurđica Stanešić, Višnja Pranjić Škola za medicinske sestre Mlinarska, Croatia Education for sustainable development Number of the paper: 101   Abstract The projec...

Health sector
sektor Zdravstvo
vocational curricula
strukovni kurikul

Empowering sustainable minds: A handbook for integrating sustainable development into school curricula

Book of Abstracts STOO4 Education for sustainable development

Diana Garašić, Mirela Sertić Perić*, Borjanka Smojver  *University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science, Department of Biology, Zagreb Education for sustainable development Number of the paper: ...

active learning;
economic goals;
environmental goals
project-based learning;
social goals

Blogging about Sustainable Development in the EFL College Classroom

Book of Abstracts STOO4 Education for sustainable development

Reima Saado Al-Jarf  King Saud University, Saudi Arabia Education for sustainable development Number of the paper: 103   Abstract Sustainable Development Goal...

EFL writing practice;
freshman students
global issues
participation goals

Gender equality from the perspective of preschool teachers / Ravnopravnost spolova iz perspektive odgojitelja

Book of Abstracts STOO4 Education for sustainable development

Lada Marinković, Svetlana Radovic Preschool Teachers Training College Novi Sad, Serbia Education for sustainable development Number of the paper: 104   Abstract ...

competences of preschool teachers
društveni kontekst;
education programs
kompetencije odgojitelja
gender equality;
metodologija istraživanja;
gender stereotypes;
programi edukacije;
research methodology
rodna ravnopravnost;
social context
rodni stereotipi

Urban ecology within multidisciplinary educative framework

Book of Abstracts STOO4 Education for sustainable development

Mirela Sertić Perić1, Bojana Bojanić Obad Šćitaroci2, Tamara Zaninović2, Ana Sopina2, Vesna Gulin Beljak1 1University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science, Croatia 2University of Zagreb, Faculty of Architecture, Croatia

landscape architecture
urban design
urban parks

The collaborative commons: Schools, communities, and society

Book of Abstracts STOO4 Education for sustainable development

Živa Kos1, Veronika Tasner2 1University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Slovenia 2University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Education, Slovenia, Education for sustaina...

different teaching and learning
hybrid economies
reconfiguring personal and collective

Education for sustainable development and technology: Why do technological and engineering skills need to be integrated more intensively into learning and teaching?

Book of Abstracts STOO4 Education for sustainable development

Damir Purković University of Rijeka, Croatia Education for sustainable development Number of the paper: 107   Abstract Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is fund...

critical thinking
kritičko mišljenje
primary education;
primarno obrazovanje
technical education
tehničko obrazovanje

Student teachers' preparedness for implementation of education for sustainable development / Pripremljenost studenata učiteljskih studija za provedbu odgoja i obrazovanja za održivi razvoj

Book of Abstracts STOO4 Education for sustainable development

Ana Letina, Sanja Canjek-Androić University of Zagreb, Faculty of Teacher Education, Croatia, Education for sustainable development Number of the paper: 108   ...

initial teacher education
inicijalno obrazovanje učitelja;
perception of self-regulation
percepcija samoregulacije
self-assessment of competencies
samoprocjena kompetencija
teaching and professional engagement vision
vizija poučavanja i stručnoga angažmana

Collaborative learning for change: Sustainability in the palm of your hand / Suradničko učenje za promjenu: održivost na dlanu

Book of Abstracts STOO4 Education for sustainable development

Klara Bahtić1, Adrijana Višnjić Jevtić2 1 Dječji vrtić Prečko 2 University of Zagreb, Faculty of Teacher Education, Croatia Education for sustainable development Number of the paper: 109...

children's rights
dječja prava;
transformative learning
obrazovanje za održivi razvoj;

Strengthening the role of education for sustainable development: Case studies of Croatia and Cyprus

Book of Abstracts STOO4 Education for sustainable development

Mira Zovko1,Vatroslav Zovko2, Nikolas Papanikolas2 1Institute of Tourism, Croatia 2University of Zagreb, Faculty of Teacher Education 3Ministry of Education, Cyprus Education for sustaina...

elementary schools
ESD framework
teaching staff

Competency self-assessment and the principles of green pedagogy in teaching for sustainable development from the perspective of a pedagogue

Book of Abstracts STOO4 Education for sustainable development

Sandra Bjelan, Lejla Osmić University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Philosophy, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Education for sustainable development Number of the paper:...

children's rights
dječja prava;
transformative learning
obrazovanje za održivi razvoj;

Artificial Intelligence in Education: Challenges and Opportunities for Sustainable Development

Book of Abstracts STOO4 Education for sustainable development

Imelda Zadeja1,Jozef Bushati2 1University of Shkondra "Luigj", Faculty of Natural Sciences, Shkodra, Albania 2University of Shkondra "Luigj", Faculty of Education, Shkodra, Albania, ...

adaptive education
educational outcomes
emerging technologies
responsible AI;
transformative education

Student perception of the concept of sustainability in geography lessons / Učenička percepcija koncepta održivosti u nastavi geografije

Book of Abstracts STOO4 Education for sustainable development

Danijel Jukopila University of Zagreb, Faculty of Teacher Education, Croatia Education for sustainable development Number of the paper: 113   Abstract The conce...

field of economy and environment
područje gospodarstva i okoliša
geographical concepts
geografski koncepti;

Tools for individualized education in inclusive classrooms / Alati za individualizaciju obrazovanja u inkluzivnim razredima

Book of Abstracts STOO4 Education for digital transformation

Antonia Ćurić Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli Education for digital transformation Number of the paper: 120   Abstract The research explores the effectivenes...

artificial intelligence,
digital tools,

Digital competences of teachers for developing pupils' algorithmic thinking / Digitalne kompetencije učitelja za razvoj algoritamskog načina razmišljanja učenika

Book of Abstracts STOO4 Education for digital transformation

Gordana Stoković Faculty of Education, University of Belgrade Education for digital transformation Number of the paper: 121   Abstract Developing childr...

subject Digital World
professional development of teachers
initial teacher education