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Student perception of the concept of sustainability in geography lessons / Učenička percepcija koncepta održivosti u nastavi geografije

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Danijel Jukopila

University of Zagreb, Faculty of Teacher Education, Croatia

Education for sustainable development

Number of the paper: 113  


The concept of sustainability is one of the four concepts in the geography curriculum along with spatial organizations and processes, spatial identity and spatial coverage. The very concept of sustainability is present in the subject description, values and principles of learning and teaching geography and in the educational goals of learning and teaching geography. Through the analysis of the curriculum of the Geography subject for primary and secondary schools in the Republic of Croatia, out of a total of 97 outcomes, 28 of them related to the concept of sustainability were singled out, whether these outcomes were exclusively related to this concept (12), or they were partially represented along with some of the remaining concepts (16) considering the frequent interweaving of concepts in space. The students' perception of the concept of sustainability in geography lessons was investigated using a quantitative analysis based on a questionnaire. The results showed that students recognize the concept of sustainability most in the field of economy and environment, and less in the social field. They mostly associate it with the contents of biogeography, economic geography, demogeography and urban geography, and they recognize it the least when teaching about certain economic branches in Croatia, especially tourism and agriculture. They think that learning about sustainability will help them understand the changes that will happen in the future and define their own relationship with nature. They are of the opinion that through sustainable management of natural resources and sustainable economic development, Croatia can improve the living standards of its population and preserve the most valuable natural sites for future generations.

Key words

curriculum; field of economy and environment; geographical concepts

Danijel Jukopila

University of Zagreb, Faculty of Teacher Education, Croatia

Odgoj i obrazovanje za održivi razvoj

Broj rada: 113  


Koncept održivosti jedan je od četiriju koncepata u geografskome kurikulu uz prostorne organizacije i procese, prostorni identitet i prostorni obuhvat. Sam koncept održivosti prisutan je u opisu predmeta, vrijednostima i načelima učenja i poučavanja geografije te u odgojno-obrazovnim ciljevima učenja i poučavanja geografije. Analizom kurikula nastavnoga predmeta Geografija za osnovnu školu i gimnazije u Republici Hrvatskoj od ukupno 97 ishoda izdvojeno je njih 28 vezanih uz koncept održivosti bilo da su ti ishodi isključivo vezani uz ovaj koncept (12), bilo da su djelomično zastupljeni uz neki od preostalih koncepata (16) s obzirom na čestu isprepletenost koncepata u prostoru. Kvantitativnom analizom temeljenom na anketnom upitniku istražena je učenička percepcija koncepta održivosti u nastavi geografije. Rezultati su pokazali da učenici koncept održivosti najviše prepoznaju u području gospodarstva i okoliša, a manje u društvenom području. Najviše ga povezuju sa sadržajima biogeografije, ekonomske geografije, demogeografije te urbane geografije, a najmanje ga prepoznaju pri poučavanju o pojedinim gospodarskim granama u Hrvatskoj, posebice turizmu i poljoprivredi. Smatraju da će im učenje o održivosti pomoći u razumijevanju promjena koje će se događati u budućnosti te u definiranju vlastitoga odnosa prema prirodi. Mišljenja su da održivim upravljanjem prirodnim resursima i održivim razvojem gospodarstva Hrvatska može poboljšati životni standard svojega stanovništva te očuvati najvrjednije prirodne lokalitete za buduće generacije.

Ključne riječi

geografski koncepti; kurikul; područje gospodarstva i okoliša