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145 rezultat

Attending cultural events as a prerequisite for successful practice of future educators in the field of music activities / Pohađanje kulturnih događanja kao preduvjet uspješne prakse budućih

Book of Abstracts STOO4 The importance of art education for the...

Martina Mičija Palić, Tamara Jurkić Sviben University of Zagreb, Faculty of Teacher Education The importance of art education for the cognitive, social, and emotional development of chi...

glazbena kultura;
cultural awareness
kulturna osviještenost;
early childhood education
studij Ranog i predškolskog odgoja,
music culture
Učiteljski studij
teacher education studies.

Understanding cultural diversity and intercultural competences in music education: Perspectives of teacher education students

Book of Abstracts STOO4 The importance of art education for the...

Blaženka Bačlija Sušić, Martina Mičija Palić, Tomislav Cvrtila University of Zagreb, Faculty of Teacher Education,, The importance...

glazbena kultura;
cultural awareness
kulturna osviještenost;
early childhood education
studij Ranog i predškolskog odgoja,
music culture
Učiteljski studij
teacher education studies.

Everyone can improvise: Music improvisation pedagogy in the early childhood education context / Svatko može improvizirati: pedagogija glazbene improvizacije u kontekstu predškolskoga odgoja

Book of Abstracts STOO4 The importance of art education for the...

Blaženka Bačlija Sušić1, Iva Bardun2, Renata Kubelka3 1University of Zagreb, Faculty of Teacher Education, 2Elly Bašić Music School, Zagreb 3Kindergarten špansko, Zagreb,, ena...

teorija aktivnosti
early childhood educators and teachers
pedagogija glazbene improvizacije
rani i predškolski odgoj i obrazovanje
music education;
metoda etnografije u RPOO; „crta i pričaj” metoda istraživanja
teacher education students
Učiteljski studij
sociocultural context

School climate, sense of satisfaction and belonging to school and school music activities - literature review / Školska klima, osjećaj zadovoljstva i pripadnosti školi i školske glazbene akti

Book of Abstracts STOO4 The importance of art education for the...

Blaženka Bačlija Sušić1, Iva Bardun2, Renata Kubelka3 1University of Zagreb, Faculty of Teacher Education, 2Elly Bašić Music School, Zagreb 3Kindergarten špansko, Zagreb,, ena...

extracurricular activities,
nastava glazbene kulture
feeling of belonging to school
osjećaj pripadnosti školi
feeling of satisfaction with school
music education;
general music education
osjećaj zadovoljstva školom
chool climate
školska klima

Teaching Instrument Classes (Today) For Tomorrow / Nastava sviranja (danas za) sutra

Book of Abstracts STOO4 The importance of art education for the...

Diana Atanasov Piljek1, Ivan Batoš2 1University of Zagreb, Faculty of Teacher Education, 2University North, Department of Art Studies, The importance of art educa...

glazbeni žanr
comprehensive approach to musical work
individualizirani pristup
music genre;
nastava sviranja
individualized approach
nastavni sadržaj
instructional content
sveobuhvatni pristup glazbenom djelu
instrumental instruction

Croatian music academy and teacher education students’ perceptions on the use of artificial intelligence in general music education

Book of Abstracts STOO4 The importance of art education for the...

Nikola Jambrošić University of Zagreb, Faculty of Teacher Education, The importance of art education for the cognitive, social, and emotional development of children and youth ...

glazbeni žanr
comprehensive approach to musical work
individualizirani pristup
music genre;
nastava sviranja
individualized approach
nastavni sadržaj
instructional content
sveobuhvatni pristup glazbenom djelu
instrumental instruction

Children's creativity within the Functional Music Pedagogy by Elly Bašić / Dječje stvaralaštvo u funkcionalnoj muzičkoj pedagogiji Elly Bašić

Book of Abstracts STOO4 The importance of art education for the...

Denis Vasilj Zlatko Baloković Music School, Zagreb The importance of art education for the cognitive, social, and emotional development of children and youth Number of the paper: 167   ...

funkcionalna muzička škola;
Croatian music pedagogy
glazbeni odgoj i obrazovanje
Elly Bašić Music College;
Glazbeno učilište Elly Bašić;
functional music school;
music education
hrvatska glazbena pedagogija;

Word associations and the development of emotion and affective state nouns in elementary school students / Verbalne asocijacije i razvoj imenica za emocije i afektivna stanja kod učenika osno

Book of Abstracts STOO4 The importance of art education for the...

Ana Petrović Dakić University of Belgrade, Faculty of teacher Education The importance of art education for the cognitive, social, and emotional development of children and youth Number...

abstract nouns;
apstraktne imenice
cognitive development
emocionalna pismenost;
emotional literacy;
kognitivni razvoj;

Required reading as an incentive for free art creativity / Lektira kao poticaj za slobodno umjetničko stvaralaštvo

Book of Abstracts STOO4 The importance of art education for the...

Katarina Kralj Kreković OŠ Ivan Benković, Dugo Selo The importance of art education for the cognitive, social, and emotional development of children and youth Number of the paper: 16...

kreativni pristup lektiri;
creative approach to required reading
slobodno stvaralaštvo;
art in teaching;
umjetnost u nastavi
free creative expression

Creative-development workshops in schools’ extended stay: Integration of drama education, elements of child psychodrama, and somatically oriented approach

Book of Abstracts STOO4 The importance of art education for the...

Irena Vitaljić Elementary School K. Š. Gjalski, University of Applied Health Sciences, Zagreb The importance of art education for the cognitive, social, and emotional development of childre...

kreativni pristup lektiri;
creative approach to required reading
slobodno stvaralaštvo;
art in teaching;
umjetnost u nastavi
free creative expression

Differences in the manifestation of undesirable behavior in early school-age children during the performance of kinesiology activities with regard to gender

Book of Abstracts STOO4 Kinesiology education and sports

Jelena Alić*, Smiljana Zrilić*, Marko Džaja University of Zadar*,  Kinesiology education and sports Number of the paper: 171   Abstract The goa...

inappropriate differences
neprimjereno ponašanje

How child’s gender and parents’ gender affect the play and physical activity of early and preschool age children / Kako spol djeteta i spol roditelja utječe na igru i fizičku aktivnost djece

Book of Abstracts STOO4 Kinesiology education and sports

Ivica Iveković Centar za odgoj, obrazovanje i rehabilitaciju Virovitica  Kinesiology education and sports Number of the paper: 172   Abstract Girls and boys dif...

differences between boys and girls,
fizička aktivnost;
differences between fathers and mothers,
razlike dječaka i djevojčica
physical activity,
razlike očeva i majki

Implementation of physical and health education in primary education / Provedba nastave tjelesne i zdravstvene kulture u primarnom obrazovanju

Book of Abstracts STOO4 Kinesiology education and sports

Ivana Žagar University of Zagreb, Faculty of Teacher Education  Kinesiology education and sports Number of the paper: 173   Abstract The goal of this quantitat...

classroom teachers,
cjeloživotno učenje
kinesiology competences
kineziološke kompetencije;
lifelong learning
kurikul TZK
TK curriculum
podržavajući čimbenici
supporting factors
tjelesno vježbanje;

Construction of a specific test for coordination assessment in rhythmic gymnastics / Konstrukcija specifičnoga testa za procjenu koordinacije u ritmičkoj gimnastici

Book of Abstracts STOO4 Kinesiology education and sports

Rebeka Stojković1, Josipa Radaš2 1Faculty of Kinesiology, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek 2Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb,  Kinesiology edu...

metric characteristics
motor abilities
novokonstruirani test
newly developed test
motoričke sposobnosti;
rhythmic gymnasts
metrijske karakteristike

The influence of sports on the motor development of preschool children / Utjecaj sporta na motorički razvoj djece predškolske dobi

Book of Abstracts STOO4 Kinesiology education and sports

Jelena Šiško, Mateja Kunješić Sušilović*, Marijana Hraski* *Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Zagreb,,  Kinesiology education and...

motor skills
kvaliteta života
parental support
motoričke sposobnosti
quality of life
podrška roditelja

Physical activity as educational value / Tjelesna aktivnost kao odgojna vrijednost

Book of Abstracts STOO4 Kinesiology education and sports

Marko Badrić1, Leona Roca2 1Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Zagreb 2Primary school Mladost, Lekenik  Kinesiology education and sports Number of the paper: 176   ...

physical education,
tjelesna i zdravstvena kultura
tjelesno vježbanje

The relationship between diet, leisure-time habits, and the physical fitness of students enrolled in Military Studies at the University of Zagreb

Book of Abstracts STOO4 Kinesiology education and sports

Domagoj Bagarić University of Zagreb, Military Studies  Kinesiology education and sports Number of the paper: 177   Abstract The aim of the research was to ...

physical education,
tjelesna i zdravstvena kultura
tjelesno vježbanje

Metric characteristics of tests of ball handling skills in preschool age / Metrijske karakterstike testova vještine baratanja loptom u predškolskoj dobi

Book of Abstracts STOO4 Kinesiology education and sports

Marija Lorger1, Ana Luketić2 1Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Zagreb 2DV Savica, Zagreb  Kinesiology education and sports Number of the paper: 178   Abstra...

motor skill
motorička znanja
TGMD -2 battery of tests
TGMD baterija testova

Progress in individual components of physical fitness of primary education students with respect to nutritional status / Napredak u pojedinim sastavnicama tjelesnoga fitnesa učenika primarnog

Book of Abstracts STOO4 Kinesiology education and sports

Donata Vidaković Samaržija1, Lara Pavelić Karamatić2 1University of Zadar 2Ministry of Defence, Croatia,  Kinesiology education and sports Number of the paper: 179  ...

body mass index
functional ability,
motoričke sposobnosti;
indeks tjelesne mase;
motor skills
funkcionalne sposobnosti;

Differences in the acquisition and improvement of motor tasks in students with disabilities through different learning methods / Razlike u usvajanju i usavršavanju motoričkih zadataka kod uče

Book of Abstracts STOO4 Kinesiology education and sports

Katarina Šarčević Ivić-Hofman, Tihomir Vidranski, Ivan Vrbik  University of Slavonski Brod  Kinesiology education and sports Number of the paper: 180   Abstract D...

metode učenja
acquisition and improvement of the motor task,
učenici s teškoćama
customized approach,
usvajanje i usavršavanje motoričkoga zadatka;
learning methods
prilagođeni pristup;
students with disabilities