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Differences in the manifestation of undesirable behavior in early school-age children during the performance of kinesiology activities with regard to gender

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Jelena Alić*, Smiljana Zrilić*, Marko Džaja

University of Zadar*,

 Kinesiology education and sports

Number of the paper: 171



The goal of the research is to determine whether there are statistically significant differences in the frequency of occurrence of unacceptable forms of behavior during the implementation of kinesiology activities among early school-aged students, with regard to the gender of the respondents.

The research was conducted on 199 students of the fourth grade of primary education in elementary schools in Zadar County. Considering the criterion of the respondents gender, the sample was divided into two sub-samples; girls: N= 104 and boys N= 95. The frequency of occurrence of unacceptable forms of behavior was examined with an appropriate questionnaire designed for the purpose of conducting research. The statements in the questionnaire are divided into four scales: the scale of inappropriate verbal expression, the scale of aggressiveness, the scale of attitudes towards authorities - the teacher, the scale of attitudes towards authorities - parents and the scale of negligence towards obligations (at school and in the family). Research participants expressed the frequency of occurrence of unacceptable behavior on a scale ranging from 1 to 5 (1 – never; 2 – rarely; 3 – sometimes; 4 – often; 5 – always). Differences according to the sex of the subjects were tested with the Mann Whitney U test.

The research results indicate that there are statistically significant differences in the frequency of implementation of unacceptable forms of behaviour during kinesiology activities between boys and girls in primary education. According to the mentioned results, boys, compared to girls, show a higher frequency of unacceptable behaviour on all scales.

The obtained research results point to the fact that when designing and implementing interventions aimed at reducing unacceptable forms of behaviour, special attention should be directed towards boys.


Key words

aggressiveness; behaviour; inappropriate differences; negligence; students

Jelena Alić*, Smiljana Zrilić*, Marko Džaja

University of Zadar*,

Kineziološka edukacija i sport 

Broj rada: 171  


Cilj je istraživanja utvrditi postoje li statistički značajne razlike u učestalosti pojave neprihvatljivih oblika ponašanja tijekom provedbe kinezioloških aktivnosti kod učenika rane školske dobi s obzirom na spol ispitanika.

Istraživanje je provedeno na 199 učenika četvrtih razreda primarnoga obrazovanja osnovnih škola Zadarske županije. S obzirom na kriterij podjele prema spolu ispitanika, uzorak je podijeljen na dva poduzorka; djevojčice: N = 104 i dječaci N = 95. Učestalost pojave neprihvatljivih oblika ponašanja ispitana je prigodnim upitnikom koji je osmišljen u svrhu provedbe istraživanja. Tvrdnje unutar upitnika podijeljene su na četiri skale: skalu nedoličnoga verbalnog izražavanja, skalu agresivnosti, skalu odnosa prema autoritetima - učitelju, skalu odnosa prema autoritetima – roditeljima i skalu nemarnosti prema obvezama (u školi i u obitelji). Sudionici istraživanja izražavali su učestalost pojave neprihvatljivih ponašanja na skali raspona od 1 do 5 (1 – nikad; 2 – rijetko; 3 – ponekad; 4 – često; 5 – uvijek). Razlike prema spolu ispitanika testirane su Mann Whitney U testom.

Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju kako postoje statistički značajne razlike učestalosti provedbe neprihvatljivih oblika ponašanja tijekom provođenja kinezioloških aktivnosti između dječaka i djevojčica primarnoga obrazovanja. Prema navedenim rezultatima dječaci, u odnosu na djevojčice, pokazuju veću učestalost postojanja neprihvatljivih ponašanja na svim skalama.

Dobiveni rezultati istraživanja ukazuju na činjenicu da prilikom osmišljavanja i provedbe intervencija koje imaju za cilj reduciranje neprihvatljivih oblika ponašanja posebna pozornost treba biti usmjerena prama dječacima.

Ključne riječi

agresivnost; nemarnost; neprimjereno ponašanje; razlike; učenici