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Blogging about Sustainable Development in the EFL College Classroom

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DianaReima Garašić,Saado Mirela Sertić Perić*, Borjanka SmojverAl-Jarf

 *UniversityKing ofSaud Zagreb,University, FacultySaudi of Science, Department of Biology, ZagrebArabia

Odgoj i obrazovanje za održivi razvoj

Education for sustainable development

Number of the paper: 102103  


This presentation will introduce a comprehensive handbook aimed at teachers, pre-service teachers and educators to facilitate the integration of the Sustainable Development Goals into(SDG) curricula.are not integrated in any EFL courses that students take at my college. Therefore, a class blog was created in an EFL writing course for freshman students to find out its effect on students’ writing skill development and awareness of SDG. Each week, a specific and tangible topic related to an SDG (no poverty, zero hunger, good health and well-being, quality education, gender equality, clean water and sanitation, affordable and clean energy, decent work and economic growth, industry, innovation, and infrastructure, reduced inequality, sustainable cities and communities, responsible consumption and production, climate action, life below water, life on land, peace, justice, and strong institutions) was posted by the instructor. The handbookstudents offerssearched practicalfor insightsvideos, photos or articles related to meetthe assigned SDG and wrote a blog post that describes the cross-curricularphoto, educationalsummarizes expectations,the withvideo or article content. Participation goals were integrated. The students had to write their reaction to the goal, post solutions, comments, and feedback on their classmates’ blog posts. They worked on their blog posts individually, in pairs and small group. The instructor served as a focusfacilitator onwhile promoting ecological awareness, social responsibility and global citizenship among children andthe students ofwere differentblogging. ages. In line with the broader concept of sustainable development, the handbook emphasizes educational activities aimed at developing higher-order thinking, interpersonal relationships, good communication and problem-solving skills. In addition to historical perspectives and an overviewComparisons of the Unitedposttest Nationsscores Sustainableof Developmentstudents Goals,who severalblogged examplesabout SDG and those who used paper-and-pencil assignments showed significant differences in writing skill improvement in favor of the activitiesblog describedgroup. Students in the handbookblog aregroup presentedhad positive attitudes, enjoyed interacting and collaborating with their classmates and reflecting on their own writing. Blogging about SDG proved to helpbe educatorseffective plan,in implementenhancing the students’ writing skills and assessSDG sustainable development as a cross-curricular subject within the Croatian curriculum.awareness. The practicalstudy examplesgave ofrecommendations teachingfor strategiesintegrating SDG in EFL speaking and learningreading activitiescourses.


 include a variety of approaches that encourage students' active engagement in thinking, analysing, predicting, evaluating and reflecting, as well as several successful school projects and research initiatives that show how Education for Sustainable Development is put into practice and how to improve teaching in general. The importance of skills that are often neglected in schools and are aimed at personal and social development is emphasized. The handbook aims to enable educators to promote a sustainable mindset and thus contribute to education for sustainable development, but also to support purposeful modern education as we move in a complex world with increasing threats.

Key words

activeEFL learning;writing economicpractice; goals;freshman environmentalstudents; goals;global project-basedissues; learning; socialparticipation goals