GirlsThe goal of this quantitative research is to examine the opinions of classroom teachers about the frequency of physical and boyshealth differeducation notclasses onlyin physically,primary psychologically,education and sociologically,the butrole alsoof teachers' kinesiology competencies, social support, as well as the material working conditions necessary for the implementation of physical and health education classes in primary education. A research study involving 120 classroom teachers from several counties in Croatia during the way2023/2024 school year will examine the relationship between teachers' kinesiology competences, material working conditions, social support, and the frequency of implementing physical and health education classes in primary education. For the approachpurposes of this research, the TZK 99 questionnaire (Petračić, 2023) was modified and contains three parts, i.e. the factors are divided into three categories: 1) kinesiological competences, 2) social support, and 3) material working conditions, with answers given on a Likert scale. Descriptive statistical indicators will be calculated for all variables, while the connection between certain factors and the frequency of physical education classes will be determined by correlation analyses, and the contribution of kinesiology competences, social support and material working conditions to athe particular typeprediction of play. the Theimplementation paperof contains research related to playphysical and physicalhealth activityeducation ofclasses earlyin andprimary preschooleducation agewill Thedetermined paperby stateshierarchical theregression differencesanalysis. between boys and girls during different types and places of play and how parents’ gender affects play and physical activity of early and preschool age children.
Research has shownGiven that there are certain differences between boyshome and girlsregional schools in the way they play, the choiceRepublic of games, according to the choice of activities, locations, props,Croatia and devices.their The outdoor play of boys and girls has certain similarities and differences. Research suggests that boys and girls are equally physically active when playing outdoors. Rough play is characteristic for boys, but girls are also involved in this form of play. Girls' rough playequipment differs from boys'county roughto play. Boys will be more physically active and spend more time playing when they have props.
Just as there is a difference in the way boys and girls play, research shows that there is a difference between the way the father and mother approach play with the child. Fathers may encourage physical play a little more and involve children in it more, while mothers will prefer quieter games and activities. Certain studies have shown that fathers participate more in physical play with children than mothers, while others have shown that both parents participate equally or even that mothers participate more than fathers. Considering thecounty, different results ofare researchexpected onin the involvementterms of parentsmaterial inworking children's physical play, this could perhaps lead us to a general conclusion that in fact there is no difference. However, in everyday situations, it could still be stated that fathers participate more in physical play with children. Research shows that a parents’ physical play with a child can encourage and improve the child's cognitive, language, and motor development.
Considering the research mentioned in this paper, it can be said that nowadays mothers and fathers generally play almost the same games with their children, the only question is how they approach the game itself.
Various studies point to the conclusion that fathers will encourage children's gender-stereotyped play much more than mothers and that fathers are more inclined to risk and perform risky activities, but the actual application of these attitudes in everyday life situations may be questionable. Fathers believe that children should engage in risky situations and gain certain experiences in that way, but it is still too dangerous for them to implement them in real game situations.
Both parents should be equally involved in all aspects of the child's care and upbringing, which also applies to the field of play. Each parent has a different approach to play and the way they will play with their child, which contributes to the enrichment of the child's emotionalconditions and social knowledge and the development of motor and cognitive skills and
differencesclassroom betweenteachers, boyskinesiology andcompetences, girls,lifelong differences between fathers and mothers,learning, physical activity,exercise, playTK curriculum, supporting factors