AProfessional centurydevelopment hasand passedpromotion sinceof teachers to higher ranks are regulated by the publicationOrdinance on Promotion of twoTeachers, importantExpert normativeAssociates manualsand Headmasters in SerbianPrimary and CroatianSecondary language by Aleksandar BelićSchools and DragutinStudent Boranić.Dormitories. BothTeachers, manualsexpert were intended for school use. Belić's orthography manual (printed in 1923) is the first systematic orthography in Serbia,associates, and Boranić'sheadmasters (printedcan inbe 1921,promoted second,to unchangedthree editionranks: inmentor, 1923) is the first independent work of this prominent Croatian normativist. Starting from these school manuals, we took the exceptions of the d:t alternation before voiceless consonants in modern Serbianadvisor, and Croatianexcellent languages as the subject of the paper. The analysis will first include the solutions from Belić's and Boranić's orthography from 1923, then the editions of both manuals from 1930, which were prepared according to the instructions of the Ministry of Education from 1929. This instruction mandated that the d:t alternation should not be performed only before the sequences -stvo (e.g. in the word sudstvo) and -ski (e.g. in the word gradski), which was closer to the previous Serbian standard from 1923 (Belić), in relation to the Croatian standard (the d:t alternation will not occur when the consonant d is in contact with the consonants ć, č, c, š and s; Boranić).advisor. The aim of thethis paperresearch iswas to analyzeexamine the directionslevel of satisfaction of primary school teachers with opportunities for promotion to higher ranks and to determine if these opportunities differ in which Serbian and Croatian normative studies moved in concerning exceptionsterms of the d:tacquired alternationpromotion beforeto voicelessa consonants,higher primarilyrank, work experience and place of work. The research included 673 participants from all parts of Croatia. A questionnaire was used to collect data. The results indicate that only a quarter of the participants are satisfied with promotion opportunities. A statistically significant difference was determined in validterms schoolof orthographypromotion manualsto a higher rank, meaning that the teachers who have been promoted tend to show a higher level of satisfaction with criteria, flexibility they have in Serbiatheir work and Croatia.financial compensations. In terms of the place of work, there is a statistically significant difference in the opinions of classroom teachers and subject teachers. The analyzedresults corpusindicate consiststhat subject teachers exhibit a higher level of Serbian and Croatian literary works and periodicalssatisfaction with apromotion focusopportunities onbut theseem worksto ofbe contemporary Croatian authors (such as A. Tomić and M. Jergović) which were published in Serbia without normative alignmentdissatisfied with the Serbianbenefits norm.that promotion to a higher rank brings. Furthermore, the results reveal that teachers with ten or less than ten years of work experience seem to be more dissatisfied with the duration of the promotion process than their more experienced colleagues. The obtained results suggest a need to introduce changes in the Ordinance on Promotion of Teachers, Expert Associates and Headmasters in Primary and Secondary Schools and Student Dormitories.