EducationProject-based learning is society'sa foundation,modern learning strategy that enables the development of learning competence as one of the eight key competences for lifelong learning. This descriptive research aimed to determine students' learning strategies and teachersunderstand havethem in the context of project-based learning in mathematics university courses. Research participants were students attending undergraduate study programs at the Faculty of Chemistry and Technology at the University of Split who enrolled in a crucialmathematics rolecourse for the second, third or fourth time in shapingthe it.academic year 2023/2024. The valuelearning orientationstrategies questionnaire (Lončarić, 2014) was applied, and the students' project work was analyzed along with the benefits and students' challenges of teachersproject-based guideslearning.
theirThe actions.results of student self-assessments showed more frequent use of strategies of (meta)cognitive control of learning and deep cognitive processing along with less frequent use of strategies of shallow cognitive processing. The valuestudents' systemproject work, on the other hand, showed insufficient knowledge and a lack of understanding or implicit pedagogiesmisunderstanding of teachersmathematical areconcepts, groundedas well as a lack of critical thinking in educationalmathematics, philosophies. This paper will rely on four basic educational philosophies. Self-efficacywhich is an essential component of a teacher's behavior. Research has shown that a teacher's beliefnot in their ability to create the teaching process is associatedline with theirstudents’ actions and thoseself-assessments of their students.learning strategies. The studybenefits willof involveproject 200learning, loweraccording secondaryto educationthe teachersstudents, frominclude Primorsko-goranskathe county.acquisition of new knowledge about project-based learning and better acquisition of mathematical knowledge, understanding, applying, analyzing, organizing, and synthesizing mathematical content, while the challenges relate to insufficient prior knowledge and experience needed for project tasks. The questionnaireresults willindicate containthe socio-demographicneed factors,for Educationalstudents' Philosophiescontinuous Self-Assessment,critical and Teacherreflexive Self-Efficacythinking Scale.about Thisthe studylearning examinesstrategies howthey socio-demographic factorsuse and educationalthe philosophies predict self-efficacy. It also aimsneed to investigateimprove differencesstudents' inlearning educationalcompetence philosophiesby betweenapplying genderssuitable andmodern subjectlearning areas and their relationship with work experience. It is expected that men are likely to gravitate towards traditional philosophies, while women may show a preference for contemporary ones. Furthermore, there is an expectation that mathematics and natural sciences teachers may tend toward essentialism and that teachers with more years of experience are more likely to adhere to traditional educational philosophies. Moreover, the educational philosophy of reconstructionism is the most significant predictor of self-efficacy.