Knowledge of teaching 21st Century Skills has been obtainedpsychology in education recognises self-compassion as a smallfactor numberthat promotes students‘ stress resilience and well-being. Thus, it seems important to study factors that promote students’ self-compassion, especially among those who are preparing for stressful and demanding professions such as preschool teaching. Some studies link mindfulness and emotional intelligence (EI) with self-compassion development, but there is a lack of studies that examine the role of individual EI components in Croatia,self-compassion whichas mostwell oftenas dotheir notmediating offerrole perspectivesin onthe howrelationship teachersbetween perceivemindfulness and teachself-compassion. 21st Century Skills or describe those skills through theoretical-conceptual and analytical framework. 21st century skills are competencies such as critical thinking, problem solving, creativity, communication, collaboration, innovation, teamwork, decision making, leadership, application of knowledge, self-direction and learning how to learn. All ofTherefore, the abovefirst are immanent features of what is called innovative learning in didactics. The purposeaim of this study iswas to test whetherexamine the 21strole Centuryof Teachingmindfulness and LearningEI Surveycomponents (Ravitz,in Hixson,self-compassion. EnglishThe isecond Mergendoller,aim 2012) could be usedwas to generalizeexamine datathe onmediating teachingrole innovativeof learningEI components in the Croatianrelationship educationalbetween context.mindfulness Theand goalself-compassion. is163 to validate a questionnaire developed on a samplestudents of teachersthe Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Zagreb, studying early and preschool education, participated in the Unitedresearch States.(99% women, M = 25.79; SD = 6.38) by voluntarily and anonymously filling out the questionnaire. The questionnaire was validated on a sampleconsisted of aMindful groupAttention ofAwareness teachersScale, (NEmotional =Intelligence 317)Scale ofand subjectSelf-Compassion teachingScale. (5thRegression toanalysis 8thshowed grade)that ofmindfulness primaryand school from all five regionsthree of the Republicfour EI components (self-emotional appraisal, use of Croatia,emotion whoand completedregulation of emotion) were significant predictors of self-compassion. Mediation analysis showed a partial mediation of mindfulness on self-compassion through the Questionnaireabove onmentioned teachingthree skillsEI components as parallel mediators. The findings of this study serve as the basis for directing greater attention of the 21steducational century.process Statisticalinto proceduresthe (Cronbach’sdevelopment alpha,of Pearson’s correlation coefficient, independent sample t-test, ANOVA,mindfulness and factorEI analysis)in analyzedorder to promote students‘ self-compassion and, consequently, their readiness for the relationships between innovative learning and sociodemographic variables. The obtained results proved the constructional and internal validity and reliability and applicabilitydemands of the “21st Century Skills Teaching Questionnaire” in the Croatian educational context.profession.