Correlation between Morphological Characteristics and Physical Activity of Female Students at the Faculty of Teacher Education
Ivana Nikolić, Snježana Mraković, Marko Kranjčević1 University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education 2 Osnovna škola Grigor Vitez, Sveti Ivan Žabno |
Kineziološka paradigma odgoja i obrazovanja |
Original scientific paper |
Abstract |
This research aimed to determine whether there is a correlation between the morphological components of fitness and the level of physical activity of female students enrolled at the Faculty of Teacher Education – Department in Čakovec. The sample consisted of 146 first-year full-time and part-time female students. The sample of variables was composed of eight anthropometric measures and the Baecke questionnaire on habitual physical activity. Spearman’s correlation coefficients between physical activity and anthropometric measures were calculated (body mass index, upper arm skinfold, suprailiac skinfold, thigh skinfold, percentage of body fat, abdominal circumference, and obesity risk index). The results showed that a large percentage of female students have a normal body mass of 75.9%, but the percentage of 24.1% of increased body weight and obesity is of concern. The results also showed that 91.7% of students have a normal obesity index, while only 8.3% have an increased index. With the descriptive parameters of the Baecke questionnaire, the highest average value was achieved in the domain of leisure time, smaller in sports. In contrast, the lowest average value of physical activity was achieved in the domain of faculty. Spearman’s correlation coefficients between morphological variables and physical activity indicate low negative values in all morphological variables, except in the abdominal range. The variable leisure time index showed a significant negative correlation only with the thigh skinfold. A poor negative correlation was obtained between total physical activity and body mass index, upper arm skinfold, thigh skinfold, percentage of body fat, and hip size. |
Keywords |
Baecke questionnaire, morphological components, physical activity |
2nd International Scientific and Art Faculty of Teacher Education University of Zagreb Conference Contemporary Themes in Education – CTE2 - in memoriam prof. emer. dr. sc. Milan Matijević, Zagreb, Croatia |
Povezanost morfoloških karakteristika i tjelesne aktivnosti studentica Učiteljskog fakulteta |
Sažetak |
Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je utvrditi postoji li povezanost morfoloških sastavnica fitnesa s razinom tjelesne aktivnosti studentica Učiteljskog fakulteta u Čakovcu. Uzorak ispitanika činilo je 146 studentica prve godine redovnoga i izvanrednoga studija. Uzorak varijabli sastajao se od osam antropometrijskih mjera i Baeckeova upitnika tjelesne aktivnosti. Izračunati su Spearmanovi koeficijenti korelacije između tjelesne aktivnosti i antropometrijskih mjera (indeks tjelesne mase, kožni nabor nadlaktice, kožni nabor suprailiokristalni, kožni nabor bedra, postotak tjelesne masti, opseg trbuha, opseg bokova i indeks rizičnosti tipa pretilosti). Rezultati su pokazali da je veliki postotak studentica normalne tjelesne mase od 75,9 %, međutim, zabrinjava postotak od 24,1 % povećane tjelesne mase i pretilosti. Rezultati također pokazuju da 91,7 % studentica ima normalni indeks rizičnosti tipa pretilosti, dok samo 8,3 % ima povećani indeks. Deskriptivnim parametrima Baeckeova upitnika najveća prosječna vrijednost postignuta je u području slobodnoga vremena, manja je u području sporta, dok je najmanja prosječna vrijednost tjelesne aktivnosti postignuta na fakultetu. Spearmanovi koeficijenti korelacije između morfoloških varijabli i tjelesne aktivnosti ukazuju na niske negativne vrijednosti u svim morfološkim varijablama osim u opsegu trbuha. Varijabla indeks slobodno vrijeme pokazuje značajnu negativnu korelaciju samo s kožnim naborom bedra. Slaba negativna povezanost dobivena je između ukupne tjelesne aktivnosti i indeksa tjelesne mase, kožnoga nabora nadlaktice, kožnoga nabora bedra, postotka tjelesne masti i opsega bokova. |
Ključne riječi |
Baeckeov upitnik tjelesne aktivnosti; morfološke sastavnice; tjelesna aktivnost |