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33 ukupno pronađenih rezultata

Uloga postmodernističkih postupaka u romanu Nemoj reći nikome, Maje Brajko Livaković u pristupu osjetljivim temama / The role of postmodernist procedures in the novel Don’t tell anyone, by Ma

Book of Abstracts STOO4 Education for social and cultural diver...

Marković, Matilda  Osnovna škola Draganići Odgoj i obrazovanje za socijalnu i kulturalnu raznolikost  Broj rada: 84   Sažetak U radu se detaljno interpretira...

hipermedijacija; intertekstualnost; osjetljive teme; posmodernistički postupci; žargon
hypermediation, intertextuality, jargon, postmodernist procedures, sensitive topics

Physics students’ ideas about inquiry-based-education: A qualitative approach

Book of Abstracts STOO4 Education for innovation and research

Aleksandra Maksimovic  University of Kragujevac Education for innovation and research Number of the paper: 88   Abstract In this paper, we analyze...

future teachers, narrative inquiry, physics, shortages of teachers, STEM

Leading quality changes in the education system of the Republic of Croatia - supernatural aspiration or compelling reality?

Book of Abstracts STOO4 Education for innovation and research

Emanuela Ham, Monika Terlević  University of Josipa Jurja Strossmayera Osijek, Faculty of Dental Medicine and Health Osijek University of Jurja Dobrile Pula, Faculty of Educational Sciences, Republic of Croatia

educational policy, preschool teachers, primary teachers, professional assistant pedagogues, reforms

Kako potaknuti istraživački duh i kreativnost učenika osnovnoškolskoga obrazovanja / How to stimulate the research spirit and creativity in primary school students?

Book of Abstracts STOO4 Education for innovation and research

Lidija Rudić  Osnovna škola Juraj Baraković, Ražanac Odgoj i obrazovanje za inovaciju i istraživanje Broj rada: 90   Sažetak Suvremeni kurikuli usmjereni su na...

integrirana nastava; projektna nastava;  suradničko učenje
cooperative learning, integrated teaching, project teaching

Nastavna sredstva i pomagala u metodi simulacije / Teaching aids in the Simulation Method

Book of Abstracts STOO4 Education for innovation and research

Kristina Horvat, Tina Jelić Balta  Filozofski fakultet, Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera Osijek, Hrvatska Medicinska škola Bjelovar, Hrvatska, Odgoj i obrazovanj...

metoda simulacije; nastavna sredstva i pomagala; obrazovanje medicinskih sestara/tehničara; strukovno obrazovanje
education of nurses, simulation method, teaching aids, vocational education

Generativna umjetna inteligencija i igrifikacija u obrazovanju / Generative artificial intelligence and gamification in education

Book of Abstracts STOO4 Education for innovation and research

Ivana Medica Ružić, Mario Dumančić  Osnovna škola Jože Šurana, Višnjan Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Učiteljski fakultet, Odgoj i obrazovanje za inovaciju i istraživanje Bro...

generativna umjetna inteligencija; igrifikacija; obrazovanje
education, gamification, generative artificial intelligence

Verbal associations of preschool children to the names of certain colors and feelings – stereotypes and changes

Book of Abstracts STOO4 Education for innovation and research

Višnja Mićić  University of Belgrade, Teacher Education Faculty, Serbia Education for innovation and research Number of the paper: 94   Abstract This presen...

associative method, mental lexicon, reactions, stimulus word, stereotype

Sources of stress among teachers in primary schools

Book of Abstracts STOO4 Education for innovation and research

Katarina Grgec  Ministry of science, education, and youth Education for innovation and research Number of the paper: 93   Abstract The aim of this research ...

classroom teaching, school experience, subject teaching

Student’ self-assessment of asking questions in class

Book of Abstracts STOO4 Education for innovation and research

Martin Hadelan, Ana Maria Marinac Faculty of Philosophy, University of Josip Juraj Strossmayer Osijek, Croatia, Education for innovation and research Number o...

questions in class, students, teachers teaching

Pessimism, optimism, and defensive pessimism as predictors of school success, school and life satisfaction of high school students

Book of Abstracts STOO4 Education for innovation and research

Marija Luter  University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Education for innovation and research Number of the paper: 96   Abstract The aim of this resear...

defensive pessimism, optimismm pessimism, satisfaction with life, satisfaction with school

Curriculum of vocational education institutions

Book of Abstracts STOO4 Education for innovation and research

Kristina Vokić, Renata Jukić  Nursing School Mlinarska, University of Osijek, Faculty of Humanities and social Sciences Osijek, Education for innovation and research Numb...

institution curriculum, quality, vocational education

LASSO and RIDGE linear regression – better prediction or much more?

Book of Abstracts STOO4 Education for innovation and research

Siniša Opić  University of Zagreb, Faculty of Teacher Education Education for innovation and research Number of the paper: 98   Abstract The paper examines the u...

L1, L2 regularization, LASSO regression, overfitting, RIDGE regression, the sum of squared residuals

Obvezno obrazovanje u Republici Hrvatskoj i Estoniji: komparativna analiza kurikula matematike / Compulsory education in the Republic of Croatia and Estonia: A comparative analysis of the

Book of Abstracts STOO4 Education for innovation and research

Ana Krišto Osnovna škola Petar Preradović Odgoj i obrazovanje za inovaciju i istraživanje Broj rada: 99   Sažetak Rezultati međunarodnih istraživanja u obrazovan...

komparativno istraživanje; matematika; nacionalni kurikul; obvezno obrazovanje
comparative research, compulsory education, mathematics, national curriculum