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# 4
The Relationship Between Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivation for Reading Books, Time Spent Reading, and Academic Achievement of Students in Upper Grades of Elementary School
(Vrsta uređivača: WYSIWYG)
Martina Gajšek
Martina Gajšek
20 rujna 2024 21:36:45 (prije 3 tjedna)
# 3
The Relationship Between Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivation for Reading Books, Time Spent Reading, and Academic Achievement of Students in Upper Grades of Elementary School
(Vrsta uređivača: WYSIWYG)
Martina Gajšek
Martina Gajšek
20 rujna 2024 21:03:44 (prije 3 tjedna)
# 2
The Relationship Between Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivation for Reading Books, Time Spent Reading, and Academic Achievement of Students in Upper Grades of Elementary School
(Vrsta uređivača: WYSIWYG)
Martina Gajšek
Martina Gajšek
20 rujna 2024 21:02:12 (prije 3 tjedna)
# 1
The role of principals’ transformational leadership style and teachers’ motivation in professional development readiness / Uloga transformacijskoga stila vodstva ravnatelja i motivacije odgoj
(Vrsta uređivača: WYSIWYG)
Martina Gajšek
Martina Gajšek
20 rujna 2024 20:55:39 (prije 3 tjedna)
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