Preskoči na glavni sadržaj

Book of Abstracts STOO4

Teaching (Today for) Tomorrow: Bridging the Gap between the Classroom and Reality

3rd International Scientific and Art Conference
Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Zagreb in cooperation with the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts

ISBN 978-953-380-022-6

Teaching (Today for) Tomorrow: Bridging the Gap between the Classroom and Reality

Dragi i poštovani kolege i kolegice, Još je prije skoro pola stoljeća jedan od pisaca znanstvene...

Education for personal and professional development

How to support the development of key competencies and skills that are needed for success in life...

Historical and Geographical Terms in Textbooks for the Lower Grades of Primary School – Foundation for the Localisation of Epic Poems

Zorica Cvetanović, Sanja Blagdanić*, Nikoleta Dobrosavljević *Faculty of Educa...

Perception of the Teachers' Contribution to Positive Mental Health by Students of the Teacher Study Programme / Percepcija studenata učiteljskih studija o doprinosu nastavnika pozitivnom ment

Jasna Kudek Mirošević1, Mirjana Radetić-Paić2 1 University of Zagreb, Facult...

Competencies for Documenting Children’s Play in The Preschool Teachers’ Initial Education / Kompetencije za dokumentiranje dječje igre u inicijalnom obrazovanju odgojitelja

Monika Terlević, Danijela Blanuša Trošelj Juraj Dobrila University of Pula  ...

The quality of educational work in kindergartens with an afternoon shift / Kvaliteta odgojno-obrazovnoga rada u vrtićima s poslijepodnevnom smjenom

Ivona Udovčić Goričanec Ed...

Methodological approach to the noun gender and number categories in textbooks for the second grade of elementary school

Ljubica Vesić, Milena Mitrović Faculty of Education, University of Belgrade ...

The role of principals’ transformational leadership style and teachers’ motivation in professional development readiness / Uloga transformacijskoga stila vodstva ravnatelja i motivacije odgoj

Petra Gotal, Daria Tot University of Zagreb, Faculty of Teacher Education,  ...

Learning experiences from the students’ perspective: Is there continuity in learning between preschool and primary education?

Sanja Blagdanić, Gordana Mišćević Faculty of Education, University of Belgra...

The Relationship Between Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivation for Reading Books, Time Spent Reading, and Academic Achievement of Students in Upper Grades of Elementary School

Helena Obučina1, Majda Rijavec2 Logopedsko-rehabilitacijski Centar Blaži Un...

Exceptions from alternation of consonants by sound in modern Serbian and Croatian orthography normative through the prism of the Belić-Boranić Compromise from 1930

Goran Nikola Zeljić Faculty of Education, University of Belgrade go...

Satisfaction with promotion of teachers to higher ranks in primary school / Zadovoljstvo napredovanjem učitelja u osnovnoj školi

Kristina Zlatović, Tomislava Vidić Faculty of Teacher Education, University ...

Teacher of Vocational Subjects - Apprentice / Nastavnik strukovnih predmeta - pripravnik

Đurđica Stanešić, Kristina Vokić Škola za medicinske sestre Mlinarska ...

Children's language development and fostering communicative competence within program documents - a historical overview / Dječji jezični razvoj i poticanje komunikacijske kompetencije u progr

Tatjana Bašić Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Zagreb ba...

Children's speech and language development with modern media / Dječji govorni i jezični razvoj uz suvremene medije

Tatjana Bašić Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Zagreb ba...

Self-efficacy of future teachers of early and preschool education in the implementation of musical activities in kindergarten

Lidija Nikolić, Ana Bićanić Faculty of Education, University of Josip Juraj ...

Usage Evaluation of Learning Management System in Albanian Universities

Virtyt Lesha1, Jozef Bushati2, Imelda Zadeja2 1 Metropolitan University of T...

The prevalence of leisure activities – What is the significance of gender and faculty? / Prevalencija aktivnosti slobodnoga vremena – ima li veze spol i fakultet?

Irena Klasnić, Marina Đuranović, Siniša Opić University of Zagreb, Faculty o...

Development of potentials and competences through the KOKODA preschool

Lasta Pavić Orešković Kokoda Mali kućni vrtić ...

Creative Andragogic Methods in Teaching Young People who have Completed Formal Education / Kreativne andragoške metode u poučavanju mladih koji su završili formalno obrazovanje

Snježana Dubovicki, Anita Kostanjčar University of Osijek, Faculty of Educat...

Why Arab parents speak English to their children at home

Reima Saado Al-Jarf King Saud University ...

What do children teach us / Čemu nas uče djeca

Lejla Kafedžić, Snježana Šušnjara Univerzitet u Sarajevu - Filozofski fakult...

The relationship between educational philosophies and self-efficacy of lower secondary education teachers / Povezanost odgojno-obrazovnih filozofija i samoučinkovitosti učitelja nižega seku

Petra Bajčić University of Zagreb, Faculty of Teacher Education pet...

Students' learning strategies in the context of project-based learning in mathematics university courses / Strategije učenja studenata u kontekstu projektnoga učenja u visokoškolskoj nastavi

Tonća Jukić1, Branka Gotovac2 1 University of Split, Faculty of Humanities a...

Literacy as an Essential Competence for Teachers and Educators in the 21st Century

Sefedin Fehim Šehović Faculty of Education, University of Belgrade   ...

Montessori pedagogy: through the realm of human rights education and peace education

Višnja Rajić Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Zagreb   vi...

Validation of the 21st century skills teaching and learning survey on a sample of croatian teachers / Validacija upitnika poučavanja vještina 21. stoljeća na uzorku hrvatskih učitelja

Katarina Matijević POU Hrvatski dom Petrinja

Evaluation of professional competencies from the standpoint of future teachers

Mirjana Stakić, Jelena Stamatović University in Kragujevac, Faculty of Educa...

The Role of Mindfulness and Emotional Intelligence in Self-Compassion / Uloga usredotočene svjesnosti i emocionalne inteligencije u samosuosjećanju

Martina Gajšek, Tajana Ljubin Golub  Faculty of Teacher Education, Universit...

Axiological approach to shaping pedagogical values in the past, present and future / Aksiološki pristup oblikovanju pedagogijskih vrijednosti u prošlosti, sadašnjosti i budućnosti

Dean Cikovac, Mirko Lukaš Filozofski fakultet u Osijeku dcikovac@ff...

Artificial intelligence and lifelong learning: El Dorado or Pandora's box of the future of teaching, education and schooling? / Umjetna inteligencija i cjeloživotno učenje: Eldorado ili Pando

Katarina Vanek1, Tomislav Topolovčan2 1 Elementary school Brezovica, Zagreb ...

Professional aspirations of prospective ECEC teachers at the end of the graduate studies / Profesionalne aspiracije studenata RPOO na kraju diplomskoga studija

Maja Drvodelić, Vlatka Domović University of Zagreb, Faculty of Teacher Educ...

(Not) Everything is Black: University Students on the Future of Education in Serbia and Croatia

Mirjana Beara Benjak1, Snježana Dubovicki2, Ivana Milojević3 1 University in...

The role of Work – based Learning in promoting and enhancing student – centered approach / Uloga učenja temeljenog na radu u promicanju pristupa učenju i poučavanju usmjerenoga na pojedinca

Morana Koludrović Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of S...

The effect of palliative care education on changing attitudes toward death among social work students / Učinak edukacije iz palijativne skrbi na promjenu stavova prema smrti kod studenata soc

Ana Štambuk, Lea Skokandić*, Marija Penava Šimac *Pravni fakultet Sveučilišt...

Styles of humor in classes at the University of Applied Sciences Ivanić-Grad / Stilovi humora u nastavi na Veleučilištu Ivanić-Grad

Manuela Kušec*, Goran Bobić *Veleučilište Ivanić-Grad manuela.kusec...

Perception of teaching characteristics in an online environment with regard to some personality traits of students / Percepcija karakteristika nastave u online okružju s obzirom na neke osobi

Ema Petričević*, Ines Hraste *University of Zagreb, Faculty of Teacher Educa...

Support for children in vulnerable situations from the perspective of preschool teachers / Podrška djeci u ranjivim situacijama iz perspektive odgojitelja

Marinela Kermeci, Jasna Kudek Mirošević University of Zagreb, Faculty of Tea...

Encouraging the development of students' social competence in secondary education / Poticanje razvoja socijalne kompetencije učenika u srednjoškolskom odgoju i obrazovanju

Sani Ćavar, Siniša Kušić, Tonća Jukić Faculty of Humanities and Social Scien...

Music as a Structured Free Time Activity in Primary School Education / Glazba kao strukturirani prostor slobodnoga vremena učenika u primarnom obrazovanju

Romana Holetić, Jelena Blašković Galeković University of Zagreb, Faculty of ...

Job satisfaction of vocational teachers in nursing schools / Zadovoljstvo poslom strukovnih nastavnika u školama za medicinske sestre

Božica Jurinec, Monika Pažur University of Zagreb, Faculty of Teacher Educat...

eTwinning in initial teacher education for personal and professional development

Marzia Luzzini1, Ivana Milković2, Esther Luisa Nieto Moreno de Diezmas3  Sandra...

Teacher's Attitudes on Educational Challenges at School / Stavovi učitelja o odgojnim izazovima u školi

Melita Ivankovic, Mara Plaza Leutar Ministry of Science and Education ...

Cooperation for the development of educators' digital competences: Action research / Suradnja za razvoj digitalnih kompetencija odgojitelja: akcijsko istraživanje

Klara Bahtić, Mihaela Žigmond Dječji vrtić Prečko klara.bahtic@gmai...

How future preschool teachers experience creativity and its manifestation?

Nataša Milan Nikolić, Đurđa Siniša Maksimović Pedagoški fakultet u Užicu Uni...

Teacher encouragement of self-regulated learning and school success of students - mediation effects of proactive learning strategies and moderation effect of student's gender

Slavica Šimić Šašić University of Zadar ...

The role of contextual factors in children's undesirable behaviors – perspective of preschool teachers / Uloga kontekstualnih čimbenika u nepoželjnim ponašanjima djece - perspektiva odgojitel

Koraljka Modić Stanke, Valentina Ružić*, Tena Velki University of Zagreb, Fa...

Into the deep

Danijela Jurac1, Bogdanka Conjar2 1Osnovna škola Banija, 2Osnovna škola Grab...

The correlation between rapport, perceived autonomy, and competence of students in art academies / Povezanost rapporta, percipirane autonomije i kompetentnosti studenata na umjetničkim akadem

Daliborka Pašić University of Zagreb ...

Educational system in Japan and R.N. Macedonia: Lessons from Japan

Jadranka Runcheva1, Kiril Barbareev1, Yumi Takahaski2 1Osnovna škola Banija,...

Textbooks as a challenge to understanding, learning, and communication in primary school / Udžbenički tekstovi kao izazov razumijevanju, učenju i komunikaciji u osnovnoj školi

Gordana Čosić OŠ Dragutina Domjanića ...

Networking opportunities in the professional development of early childhood education and care professionals

Vedrana Vučković, Iskra Tomić Kaselj Filozofski fakultetu u Splitu ...

Students’ perceptions of teachers’ professional competences

Suzana Nikodinovska - Bancotovska Pedagogical faculty St. Kliment Onridski S...

Student-teachers' attitudes and perspectives on their preparedness for the teaching profession

Tea Gavrilović Smolić*, Dijana Posedi *University of Zagreb, Faculty of Teac...

The holistic setting of initial education of teachers through the perception of students

Tatjana Koteva - Mojsovska Ss Cyril and Methodious University Skopje Faculty...

Assessment conceptualization and practice from the perspective of primary education teachers / Koncepcija i praksa vrednovanja iz perspektive učitelja primarnog obrazovanja

Alena Letina, Suzana Tomaš, Alma Škugor University of Zagreb, Faculty of Tea...

Analysis of students’ attitudes toward armed forces and the geopolitical situation across Europe with respect to their social status and social network use

Ivana Kovačević Bekić, Marija Jagić Gombar Sveučilište Sjever ivkob...

Cultivating communicative competence: Evaluating the Kosovo primary and lower secondary education curriculum impact on English language proficiency

Libron Kelmendi*, Valdet Hysenaj *Faculty of MTHE, University Haxhi Zeka ...

Perception of a desirable teacher / Percepcija poželjnoga učitelja

Tomislav Cerinski Osnovna škola Ljudevita Gaja, Zaprešić tomislav.c...

The relationship between job satisfaction and job burnout of secondary vocational school teacher / Povezanost zadovoljstva poslom i sagorijevanje na poslu nastavnika srednjih strukovnih škola

Vedrana Šimunić Rod1, Goran Lapat2 1Agencija za strukovno obrazovanje i obra...

Mistakes in assessment of students’ work and achievement - perceptions of teachers in practice and future teachers

Vera Života Radović, Tančić Nataša, Milica Marković Faculty of Education, Un...

Literary competence and its position in official educational documents / Književna kompetencija i njezin položaj u službenim obrazovnim dokumentima

Stela Beljak Osnovna škola "Kajzerica" ...

Children’s and adolescent literature in the classroom and in the education of future German language teachers / Dječja i adolescentska književnost u nastavi i u obrazovanju učitelja njemačkog

Iris Šmidt Pelajić University of Zagreb, Faculty of Teacher Education ...

Material labor rights of teachers in the Republic of Croatia - are educational workers an underpaid profession / Radno-materijalna prava učitelja i nastavnika u Republici Hrvatskoj – jesu li

Vatroslav Zovko University of Zagreb, Faculty of Teacher Education ...

Assessment of the quality of teaching in an online environment - parents' perspective / Procjena kvalitete nastave u online okružju – perspektiva roditelja

Violeta Valjan Vukić, Martina Raboteg University of Zadar vvukic@un...

Education for social and cultural diversity

How to promote intercultural learning and dialogue in multicultural and multilingual environments...

Self-Efficacy and Inclusive Education Practice: Differences Among Elementary School Teachers

Vanja Marković, Mirjana Radetić-Paić*, Jurka Lepičnik Vodopivec *Faculty of Ed...

Commercialization of schooling as a factor that supports disparities in quality and performance: A case study of the Albanian education system

Valbona, Nathanaili  Department of pedagogy / psychology  LOGOS University Co...

Odgoj, škola i tradicijsko mišljenje / Education, school, and traditional thinking

Silov, Mile  Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Učiteljski fakultet mile.silov@uf...

Promicanje romske kulture: analiza školskih kurikula osnovnih škola u Republici Hrvatskoj / Promotion of Roma culture: analysis of elementary school curricula in the Republic of Croatia

Kosanović, Luana Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli

Višejezičnost i multikulturalnost u nastavi i obrazovanju kao otpor dominaciji političkih moći / Multilingualism and multiculturalism in teaching and education as resistance to the domination

Mandić Ivković Ana, Vranić Petković Ivana  Beogradska akademija poslovnih i um...

Inkluzivni odgoj i obrazovanje učenika s Downovim sindromom iz perspektive učiteljice primarnoga obrazovanja / Inclusive education of students with Down syndrome from the perspective of a pri

Kajm Ferčec, Margareta  Osnovna škola Matija Gubec margareta.kajm-fer...

Children's literature as an opportunity to learn about love through life situations

Dobre Denkova, Jovanka  Goce Delcev University, Macedonia jovanka.den...

“Saiki” creative contest as an experiential learning tool to explore global citizenship education and connection between Kyrgyzstan and Japan

Yumi Takahashi, Aidaana Khasanova American University of Central Asia ...

Asistivna tehnologija u obrazovanju učenika s teškoćama u razvoju / Assistive technology in education of pupils with disabilities

Gašpar Čičak, Andrea  Osnovna škola Milan Amruš, Slavonski Brod agasp...

Exploring the Potential of Authentic Picturebooks in a Combined Grade Level Classroom

Ščurić Lara, Milković Ivana  University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education...

Developing L1 culture-related vocabulary competence in real-world EFL settings

Vickov Gloria, Sarić Ana  Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Universit...

Sestre i braća učenika s teškoćama u razvoju: sustavni pregled literature / Siblings of students with developmental disabilities: A systematic literature review

Blažević Simić, Ana Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Filozofski fakultet ablaze...

Participation of students with different types of difficulties during practical work in the subject Nature and Society in primary classroom teaching

Šarčević Ivić-Hofman Katarina, Pongračić Luka  Department of Social Sciences a...

Stavovi studenata prema inkluziji učenika migranata i tražitelja azila u obrazovni sustav Srbije / Students’ attitudes towards the inclusion of migrant and asylum seeker students in the educa

Marina Ž. Semiz  Univerzitet u Kragujevcu, Pedagoški fakultet Užice, Srbija ...

Attitudes of future teachers towards members of minorities and migrants

Šenjug Krleža Ana, Knežević Željka  Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Učiteljski fakultet...

Kako odgojiteljice i učiteljice razumiju elemente demokracije? / How do preschool and primary education teachers understand elements of democracy?

Pažur Monika, Aladrović Slovaček Katarina  Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Učiteljski f...

Poticanje jezično-govornoga razvoja djece predškolske dobi – uloga mjesnih organskih idioma / Fostering speech development in early childhood and preschool-aged children - the role of the ver

Vuić, Božica  Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Učiteljski fakultet bozicavuic@g...

Izazovi i pozitivni aspekti višejezičnoga školskog konteksta u Crnoj Gori / Challenges and positive aspects of the multilingual school context in Montenegro

Nikčević Jasmina, Popović Dušanka  Filološki fakultet, Univerzitet Crne Gore ...

Ovladavanje stranim (engleskim) jezikom u ranoj i predškolskoj dobi: pregled istraživanja objavljenih u posljednjih deset godina / Pre-primary (E)FL: A review of research published in the las

Mikulec, Alenka  Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Učiteljski fakultet alenka.mi...

Intersection of children's rights and preschool program analysis

Žnidarec-Čučković Ana, Golik Ivana, Višnjić- Jevtić Adrijana  University of Za...

Uloga postmodernističkih postupaka u romanu Nemoj reći nikome, Maje Brajko Livaković u pristupu osjetljivim temama / The role of postmodernist procedures in the novel Don’t tell anyone, by Ma

Marković, Matilda  Osnovna škola Draganići ...

Risky and outdoor play in early and preschool education /Rizična i igra na otvorenom u ranom i predškolskom odgoju i obrazovanju

Violeta Valjan Vukić1, Kristina Saleta2 1 University of Zadar, 2 Dječji vrtić ...

Education for innovation and research

How to stimulate the research spirit and curiosity among children and young people? How to involv...

Usporedba kurikula Hrvatskoga jezika u osnovnoj školi u Republici Hrvatskoj i u Bosni i Hercegovini / Comparative analysis of Croatian language curricula in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina

Tihana Bilešić  Alfa d. d. Odgoj ...

Evaluation of high school Biology teachers' satisfaction with the reformed Biology curriculum: A case study from Croatia

Mirela Sertić Perić1, Klara Draženović2, Sanda Ilić3, Ivana Delač3, Romana Ha...

Physics students’ ideas about inquiry-based-education: A qualitative approach

Aleksandra Maksimovic  University of Kragujevac aleksandra.maksimovic...

Leading quality changes in the education system of the Republic of Croatia - supernatural aspiration or compelling reality?

Emanuela Ham, Monika Terlević  University of Josipa Jurja Strossmayera Osijek,...

Kako potaknuti istraživački duh i kreativnost učenika osnovnoškolskoga obrazovanja / How to stimulate the research spirit and creativity in primary school students?

Lidija Rudić  Osnovna škola Juraj Baraković, Ražanac lidijamiocic2@gm...

Nastavna sredstva i pomagala u metodi simulacije / Teaching aids in the Simulation Method

Kristina Horvat, Tina Jelić Balta  Filozofski fakultet, Sveučilište Josipa Jur...

Generativna umjetna inteligencija i igrifikacija u obrazovanju / Generative artificial intelligence and gamification in education

Ivana Medica Ružić, Mario Dumančić  Osnovna škola Jože Šurana, Višnjan Sveuči...

Sources of stress among teachers in primary schools

Katarina Grgec  Ministry of science, education, and youth

Verbal associations of preschool children to the names of certain colors and feelings – stereotypes and changes

Višnja Mićić  University of Belgrade, Teacher Education Faculty, Serbia ...

Student’ self-assessment of asking questions in class

Martin Hadelan, Ana Maria Marinac Faculty of Philosophy, University of Josip J...

Pessimism, optimism, and defensive pessimism as predictors of school success, school and life satisfaction of high school students

Marija Luter  University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education marij...

Curriculum of vocational education institutions

Kristina Vokić, Renata Jukić  Nursing School Mlinarska, University of Osijek, ...

LASSO and RIDGE linear regression – better prediction or much more?

Siniša Opić  University of Zagreb, Faculty of Teacher Education sinis...

Obvezno obrazovanje u Republici Hrvatskoj i Estoniji: komparativna analiza kurikula matematike / Compulsory education in the Republic of Croatia and Estonia: A comparative analysis of the

Ana Krišto Osnovna škola Petar Preradović ...

Education for sustainable development

How to integrate the goals of sustainable development into the curriculum, pedagogy and assessmen...

The importance of developing global competencies from the perspective of students in the Republic of Croatia

Antonija Vukasinović  Filozofski fakultet u Osijeku, Croatia antonija...

Development of vocational curricula as part of the ESF project Modernisation of the Vocational Education and Training System in the Health sector

Đurđica Stanešić, Višnja Pranjić Škola za medicinske sestre Mlinarska, Croat...

Empowering sustainable minds: A handbook for integrating sustainable development into school curricula

Diana Garašić, Mirela Sertić Perić*, Borjanka Smojver  *University of Zagreb...

Blogging about Sustainable Development in the EFL College Classroom

Reima Saado Al-Jarf  King Saud University, Saudi Arabia

Gender equality from the perspective of preschool teachers / Ravnopravnost spolova iz perspektive odgojitelja

Lada Marinković, Svetlana Radovic Preschool Teachers Training College Novi S...

Urban ecology within multidisciplinary educative framework

Mirela Sertić Perić1, Bojana Bojanić Obad Šćitaroci2, Tamara Zaninović2, Ana So...

The collaborative commons: Schools, communities, and society

Živa Kos1, Veronika Tasner2 1University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Slove...

Education for sustainable development and technology: Why do technological and engineering skills need to be integrated more intensively into learning and teaching?

Damir Purković University of Rijeka, Croatia ...

Student teachers' preparedness for implementation of education for sustainable development / Pripremljenost studenata učiteljskih studija za provedbu odgoja i obrazovanja za održivi razvoj

Ana Letina, Sanja Canjek-Androić University of Zagreb, Faculty of Teacher Ed...

Collaborative learning for change: Sustainability in the palm of your hand / Suradničko učenje za promjenu: održivost na dlanu

Klara Bahtić1, Adrijana Višnjić Jevtić2 1 Dječji vrtić Prečko 2 University ...

Strengthening the role of education for sustainable development: Case studies of Croatia and Cyprus

Mira Zovko1,Vatroslav Zovko2, Nikolas Papanikolas2 1Institute of Tourism, Cr...

Competency self-assessment and the principles of green pedagogy in teaching for sustainable development from the perspective of a pedagogue

Sandra Bjelan, Lejla Osmić University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Philosophy, Bo...

Artificial Intelligence in Education: Challenges and Opportunities for Sustainable Development

Imelda Zadeja1,Jozef Bushati2 1University of Shkondra "Luigj", Faculty of Na...

Student perception of the concept of sustainability in geography lessons / Učenička percepcija koncepta održivosti u nastavi geografije

Danijel Jukopila University of Zagreb, Faculty of Teacher Education, Croatia...

Education for digital transformation

How to use digital technologies and media to enhance learning and teaching? How to develop digita...

Assessment of student work in synchronized and unsynchronized distance learning courses.

Kozina, Andrija Dr Franjo Tuđman Croatian Defence Academy andrija.koz...

Assessing AI readiness in education: A comprehensive analysis

Imelda Zadeja, Mimoza Priku, Jozef Bushati, Virtyt Lesha Faculty of Computer E...

Reading - writing and using digital tools in their acquisition

Mimoza Priku, Jozef Bushati, Imelda Zadeja, Vjollca Osja Faculty of Social Sci...

Draw a robot - pre-service teachers’ conceptions

Gordana Miščević, Danimir Mandić, Jelica Ristić, Sofija Matović Univesity of B...

Diversity of the digital environment in political education

Lidija Ert Department of pedagogy / psychology  LOGOS University College, Alb...

Classroom education students to engage in productive discussions about elementary mathematics instructional videos using an online application

Branko Bognar, Sanela Mužar Horvat, Darko Samardžić Faculty of Education, Jo...

Tools for individualized education in inclusive classrooms / Alati za individualizaciju obrazovanja u inkluzivnim razredima

Antonia Ćurić Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli

Digital competences of teachers for developing pupils' algorithmic thinking / Digitalne kompetencije učitelja za razvoj algoritamskog načina razmišljanja učenika

Gordana Stoković Faculty of Education, University of Belgrade gordana...

Games for developing algorithmic thinking in Digital World textbooks for the first grade of primary education

Miroslava Radoslav Ristić Teacher Education Faculty, University of Belgrade ...

The correlation between teachers' perceptions of digital textbooks and their use in teaching Croatian language in primary education

Martina Kolar Billege, Gordana Ivančić University of Zagreb, Faculty of Teac...

Teachers' views on the use of digital technologies to enhance the teaching and learning process/ Mišljenje nastavnika o upotrebi digitalnih tehnologija u cilju postignuća nastavnog procesa

Ajdina Asmir Župić Fakultet za obrazovanje učitelja i vaspitača, Univerzitet...

Research on students’ AI literacy / Istraživanje AI pismenosti studenata

Ružica Jurčević Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences University of Zagr...

Teacher’s perspective for didactic-methodological potentials of metaverse

Jelica Ristić, Ljiljana Bujišić, Marija Vorkapić, Sanja Čomić University of Be...

Internet safety among adolescents / Sigurnost adolescenata na internetu

Ružica Filipović Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Zagreb ...

Digital literacy of primary school first grade students

Nikolina Hutinski, Predrag Oreški University of Zagreb, Faculty of Teacher Edu...

Digital Education: Education today for tomorrow

Sandra Sovilj - Nikić, Nikolina katić, Bojana Mihl Faculty of Education, Unive...

Learning literature and digital skills among high school students

Edlira Tonuzi Macaj University of Tirana ...

New teaching approaches in healthcare subjects using simulation / Novi pristupi poučavanja u nastavnim predmetima zdravstvene njege upotrebom simulacije

Monika Lovrek Seničić, Iva Filipušić Škola za medicinske sestre Vinogradska ...

Science teachers’ attitudes regarding e-learning / Stavovi nastavnika iz područja prirodnih znanosti o e-učenju

Barbara Popovac Tašev, Anna Alajbeg Faculty of Science, University of Split ...

Teachers’ and students’ attitudes to using gamification in teaching / Stavovi učitelja i studenata prema korištenju igrifikacije u nastavi

Katarina Širanović OŠ Tituša Brezovačkog ...

Threshold concepts in Computer Science teaching / Koncepti praga u nastavi informatike

Gabrijela Jakovac, Martina Holenko Dlab University of Rijeka, Faculty of Inf...

Students' attitudes towards artificial intelligence / Stavovi učenika prema umjetnoj inteligenciji

Ivan Filipović OŠ Frana Galovića ...

Pedagogical Values of Contemporary Digital Technologies at Faculties of Fine Arts

Julija Dubovac University of Pristina, Faculty of Arts julija.dubovac...

ICT in primary education – students’ perspective

Krešimir Pavlina*, Ana Pongrac Pavlina, Anita Modrušan *Faculty of Humanities ...

Academics’ perceptions of using AI in Higher Education

Edit Lezha, Eranda Bilali (Halluni) University of Shkoder, Albania ed...

LESS IS MORE: A review of shortening the questionnaire on students' attitudes towards artificial intelligence (SATAI) / MANJE JE VIŠE: prikaz skraćivanja upitnika o stavovima studenata prema

Marija Sablić1, Goran Lapat2, Sofija Vrcelj3 1Faculty of Humanities and Soci...

Possibilities of using AI (ChatGPT) for teaching purposes

Amanda Glavaš, Azra Staščik Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Univers...

Opinions and attitudes of prospective primary school teachers on the use AI applications in education

Maja Homen Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Zagreb maja.ho...

Analysis of digital resources for teaching ICT in the City of Zagreb primary schools / Analiza digitalnih resursa za provedbu nastave informatike u osnovnim školama Grada Zagreba

Mario Dumančić, Lovro Strmo, Krešo Tomljenović Faculty of Teacher Education,...

Aligning initial teacher education learning outcomes and the program for professional development as a prerequisite for the development of digital competences

Višnja Rajić, Adrijana Višnjić Jevtić, Vlatka Domović, Mario Dumančić, Maja Hom...

The importance of art education for the cognitive, social and emotional development of children and youth

How to encourage creativity, imagination, expression and critical thinking? How to learn about yo...

Umjetnost i djeca

Lana Gospodnetić Dječji vrtić Špansko, Zagreb gospodneticlana4@gmai...

The possibility of applying STEAM activities in preschool education from the perspective of fine arts / Mogućnost primjene STEAM aktivnosti u predškolskom odgoju i obrazovanju iz perspektive

Milka Jakovljević Dječji vrtić Špansko, Zagreb milka.jakovljevic@ho...

Life painting - art as a stimulus to the development of phonological awareness

Martina Burazer, Borka Batinić Puškarić, Valentina Rosković Dječji vrtić Trešn...

Drawing as a method of teaching: An example from 1885 / Crtanje kao metoda nastave: primjer iz 1885. godine

Filip Brčić Sveučilište u Zagrebi, Filozofski fakultet fbrcic18@gma...

Exploring the Attitudes of Students and Artists towards Creativity in Visual Expression

Dunja Pivac*, Ivona Pupačić, Bojan Vondra *Arts Academy University of Split ...

“Children’s drawings should be nice, cheerful, and colorful” – personal notions of preschool teachers related to visual art activities in the kindergarten

Vera Večanski, Nevena Buđevac Faculty of Education, University of Belgrade ...

Visual abstraction as a key competence for critical thinking through art practice

Dominik Lengyel BTU Brandenburg University of Technology Faculty for Architec...

Mathematics in neoplasticism, neoplasticism in mathematics

Nikol Radović University of Zagreb, Faculty of Geodesy   nradovic@ge...

Integrating art education and literature, or how did the fairy tale “Thumbelina” by H. C. Andersen connect us?

Ana Sarvanović, Bojan Marković Faculty of Teacher Education, University of B...

Contemporary strategies and teaching methods in preparing and implementing art activities in kindergarten / Suvremene strategije i metode rada u organiziranju i provođenju likovnih aktivnosti

Svetlana Novaković Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Zagreb ...

Pre-primary teachers' perception of preschool children's visual-art creativity / Percepcija odgojitelja o likovnoj kreativnosti djece predškolske dobi

Svetlana Novaković, Ema Dugandžić Faculty of Teacher Education, University o...

Are traditional art education methods still relevant in today's modern era? Exploring Henry Schaefer-Simmern's ideas

Marija Pavlović University of Belgrade, Faculty of Teacher Education   ...

Non-visual motives in art education: visualization, correlation, synesthesia and ideaesthesia / Nevizualni motivi u likovnoj edukaciji: vizualizacija, korelacija, sinestezija i ideastezija

Miroslav Huzjak Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Zagreb ...

Croatia and Italy: National Curricula and the Artistic Music Education in the 0 to 6 years system

Valentina Fanelli University of Bologna Alma Mater Studiorum   valen...

Quality of education in ECEC (0-6 years): The contribution of art music

Carla Cuomo University of Bologna Department of Arts, Visual Performing Media ...

Goals and objectives of singing in Croatian primary school / Ciljevi i zadaće pjevanja u hrvatskoj osnovnoj školi

Tomislav Košta University of Zadar ...

Listening to concerts to enhance students' perception of music quality / Slušanje koncerata u svrhu povećanja studentske percepcije kvalitete glazbe

Tomislav Vrandečić, Ivana Zvonković, Magdalena Rogošić University of Zagreb,...

Attending cultural events as a prerequisite for successful practice of future educators in the field of music activities / Pohađanje kulturnih događanja kao preduvjet uspješne prakse budućih

Martina Mičija Palić, Tamara Jurkić Sviben University of Zagreb, Faculty of ...

Understanding cultural diversity and intercultural competences in music education: Perspectives of teacher education students

Blaženka Bačlija Sušić, Martina Mičija Palić, Tomislav Cvrtila University of...

Everyone can improvise: Music improvisation pedagogy in the early childhood education context / Svatko može improvizirati: pedagogija glazbene improvizacije u kontekstu predškolskoga odgoja

Blaženka Bačlija Sušić1, Iva Bardun2, Renata Kubelka3 1University of Zagreb,...

School climate, sense of satisfaction and belonging to school and school music activities - literature review / Školska klima, osjećaj zadovoljstva i pripadnosti školi i školske glazbene akti

Blaženka Bačlija Sušić1, Iva Bardun2, Renata Kubelka3 1University of Zagreb,...

Teaching Instrument Classes (Today) For Tomorrow / Nastava sviranja (danas za) sutra

Diana Atanasov Piljek1, Ivan Batoš2 1University of Zagreb, Faculty of Teache...

Croatian music academy and teacher education students’ perceptions on the use of artificial intelligence in general music education

Nikola Jambrošić University of Zagreb, Faculty of Teacher Education, ...

Children's creativity within the Functional Music Pedagogy by Elly Bašić / Dječje stvaralaštvo u funkcionalnoj muzičkoj pedagogiji Elly Bašić

Denis Vasilj Zlatko Baloković Music School, Zagreb denisvasilj@gmai...

Word associations and the development of emotion and affective state nouns in elementary school students / Verbalne asocijacije i razvoj imenica za emocije i afektivna stanja kod učenika osno

Ana Petrović Dakić University of Belgrade, Faculty of teacher Education ...

Required reading as an incentive for free art creativity / Lektira kao poticaj za slobodno umjetničko stvaralaštvo

Katarina Kralj Kreković OŠ Ivan Benković, Dugo Selo katarina.kralj1...

Creative-development workshops in schools’ extended stay: Integration of drama education, elements of child psychodrama, and somatically oriented approach

Irena Vitaljić Elementary School K. Š. Gjalski, University of Applied Health...

Kinesiology education and sports

How to encourage physical activity, sports spirit and fair play in children and youth? How to app...

Differences in the manifestation of undesirable behavior in early school-age children during the performance of kinesiology activities with regard to gender

Jelena Alić*, Smiljana Zrilić*, Marko Džaja University of Zadar* je...

How child’s gender and parents’ gender affect the play and physical activity of early and preschool age children / Kako spol djeteta i spol roditelja utječe na igru i fizičku aktivnost djece

Ivica Iveković Centar za odgoj, obrazovanje i rehabilitaciju Virovitica ...

Implementation of physical and health education in primary education / Provedba nastave tjelesne i zdravstvene kulture u primarnom obrazovanju

Ivana Žagar University of Zagreb, Faculty of Teacher Education zaga...

Construction of a specific test for coordination assessment in rhythmic gymnastics / Konstrukcija specifičnoga testa za procjenu koordinacije u ritmičkoj gimnastici

Rebeka Stojković1, Josipa Radaš2 1Faculty of Kinesiology, Josip Juraj Stross...

The influence of sports on the motor development of preschool children / Utjecaj sporta na motorički razvoj djece predškolske dobi

Jelena Šiško, Mateja Kunješić Sušilović*, Marijana Hraski* *Faculty of Teach...

Physical activity as educational value / Tjelesna aktivnost kao odgojna vrijednost

Marko Badrić1, Leona Roca2 1Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Zagr...

The relationship between diet, leisure-time habits, and the physical fitness of students enrolled in Military Studies at the University of Zagreb

Domagoj Bagarić University of Zagreb, Military Studies domagoj.baga...

Metric characteristics of tests of ball handling skills in preschool age / Metrijske karakterstike testova vještine baratanja loptom u predškolskoj dobi

Marija Lorger1, Ana Luketić2 1Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Za...

Progress in individual components of physical fitness of primary education students with respect to nutritional status / Napredak u pojedinim sastavnicama tjelesnoga fitnesa učenika primarnog

Donata Vidaković Samaržija1, Lara Pavelić Karamatić2 1University of Zadar 2...

Differences in the acquisition and improvement of motor tasks in students with disabilities through different learning methods / Razlike u usvajanju i usavršavanju motoričkih zadataka kod uče

Katarina Šarčević Ivić-Hofman, Tihomir Vidranski, Ivan Vrbik  University of ...

Relationship between parental upbringing style and children’s use of electronic media and their participation in kinesiology activities / Povezanost roditeljskoga odgoja s korištenjem elektro

Marta Pap1, Srna Jenko Miholić2, Danijela Kuna3 1Primary School Josip Kozara...

Physical fitness as a factor in adolescent health: perspectives and challenges of systematic monitoring in the military system / Tjelesna spremnost kao čimbenik zdravlja adolescenata: Perspe

Lara Pavelić Karamatić1, Donata Vidaković Samaržija2  1Ministry of Defence, ...

Kindergarten teachers' perception of physical activities at preschool age / Percepcija odgojitelja o tjelesnim aktivnostima u predškolskoj dobi

Snježana Mraković1, Ivana Nikolić1, Tomislav Hublin2 1Faculty of Teacher Edu...

The immediate impact of aerobic exercise on pre-math skills of 4–6-year-old children / Neposredan utjecaj aerobnoga vježbanja na predmatematičke vještine djece od 4 do 6 godina

Ivan Šerbetar1, Laura Horvat2, Maja Ivić3 1Faculty of Teacher Education, Uni...

The relationship between students’ perceptions of their school environment and motivation for sport and exercise / Povezanost učeničkih percepcija školskoga okružja i motivacije za sport i tj

Ivan Šerbetar1, Mirta Marija Mušec2 1Faculty of Teacher Education, Universit...