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Construction of a specific test for coordination assessment in rhythmic gymnastics / Konstrukcija specifičnoga testa za procjenu koordinacije u ritmičkoj gimnastici
Rebeka Stojković1, Josipa Radaš2 1Faculty of Kinesiology, Josip Juraj Stross...
Implementation of physical and health education in primary education / Provedba nastave tjelesne i zdravstvene kulture u primarnom obrazovanju
Ivana Žagar University of Zagreb, Faculty of Teacher Education zaga...
How child’s gender and parents’ gender affect the play and physical activity of early and preschool age children / Kako spol djeteta i spol roditelja utječe na igru i fizičku aktivnost djece
Ivica Iveković Centar za odgoj, obrazovanje i rehabilitaciju Virovitica ...
Differences in the manifestation of undesirable behavior in early school-age children during the performance of kinesiology activities with regard to gender
Jelena Alić*, Smiljana Zrilić*, Marko Džaja University of Zadar* je...
Assessment conceptualization and practice from the perspective of primary education teachers / Koncepcija i praksa vrednovanja iz perspektive učitelja primarnog obrazovanja
Alena Letina, Suzana Tomaš, Alma Škugor University of Zagreb, Faculty of Tea...
The relationship between job satisfaction and job burnout of secondary vocational school teacher / Povezanost zadovoljstva poslom i sagorijevanje na poslu nastavnika srednjih strukovnih škola
Vedrana Šimunić Rod1, Goran Lapat2 1Agencija za strukovno obrazovanje i obra...
Listening to concerts to enhance students' perception of music quality / Slušanje koncerata u svrhu povećanja studentske percepcije kvalitete glazbe
Tomislav Vrandečić, Ivana Zvonković, Magdalena Rogošić University of Zagreb,...
Are traditional art education methods still relevant in today's modern era? Exploring Henry Schaefer-Simmern's ideas
Marija Pavlović University of Belgrade, Faculty of Teacher Education ...
Pre-primary teachers' perception of preschool children's visual-art creativity / Percepcija odgojitelja o likovnoj kreativnosti djece predškolske dobi
Svetlana Novaković, Ema Dugandžić Faculty of Teacher Education, University o...
Integrating art education and literature, or how did the fairy tale “Thumbelina” by H. C. Andersen connect us?
Ana Sarvanović, Bojan Marković Faculty of Teacher Education, University of B...
Goals and objectives of singing in Croatian primary school / Ciljevi i zadaće pjevanja u hrvatskoj osnovnoj školi
Tomislav Košta University of Zadar ...
Creative-development workshops in schools’ extended stay: Integration of drama education, elements of child psychodrama, and somatically oriented approach
Irena Vitaljić Elementary School K. Š. Gjalski, University of Applied Health...
Required reading as an incentive for free art creativity / Lektira kao poticaj za slobodno umjetničko stvaralaštvo
Katarina Kralj Kreković OŠ Ivan Benković, Dugo Selo katarina.kralj1...
Word associations and the development of emotion and affective state nouns in elementary school students / Verbalne asocijacije i razvoj imenica za emocije i afektivna stanja kod učenika osno
Ana Petrović Dakić University of Belgrade, Faculty of teacher Education ...
Children's creativity within the Functional Music Pedagogy by Elly Bašić / Dječje stvaralaštvo u funkcionalnoj muzičkoj pedagogiji Elly Bašić
Denis Vasilj Zlatko Baloković Music School, Zagreb denisvasilj@gmai...
Croatian music academy and teacher education students’ perceptions on the use of artificial intelligence in general music education
Nikola Jambrošić University of Zagreb, Faculty of Teacher Education, ...
Teaching Instrument Classes (Today) For Tomorrow / Nastava sviranja (danas za) sutra
Diana Atanasov Piljek1, Ivan Batoš2 1University of Zagreb, Faculty of Teache...
Everyone can improvise: Music improvisation pedagogy in the early childhood education context / Svatko može improvizirati: pedagogija glazbene improvizacije u kontekstu predškolskoga odgoja
Blaženka Bačlija Sušić1, Iva Bardun2, Renata Kubelka3 1University of Zagreb,...
Understanding cultural diversity and intercultural competences in music education: Perspectives of teacher education students
Blaženka Bačlija Sušić, Martina Mičija Palić, Tomislav Cvrtila University of...
Attending cultural events as a prerequisite for successful practice of future educators in the field of music activities / Pohađanje kulturnih događanja kao preduvjet uspješne prakse budućih
Martina Mičija Palić, Tamara Jurkić Sviben University of Zagreb, Faculty of ...