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Professional aspirations of prospective ECEC teachers at the end of the graduate studies / Profesionalne aspiracije studenata RPOO na kraju diplomskoga studija
Maja Drvodelić, Vlatka Domović University of Zagreb, Faculty of Teacher Educ...
Artificial intelligence and lifelong learning: El Dorado or Pandora's box of the future of teaching, education and schooling? / Umjetna inteligencija i cjeloživotno učenje: Eldorado ili Pando
Katarina Vanek1, Tomislav Topolovčan2 1 Elementary school Brezovica, Zagreb ...
Axiological approach to shaping pedagogical values in the past, present and future / Aksiološki pristup oblikovanju pedagogijskih vrijednosti u prošlosti, sadašnjosti i budućnosti
Dean Cikovac, Mirko Lukaš Filozofski fakultet u Osijeku dcikovac@ff...
The Role of Mindfulness and Emotional Intelligence in Self-Compassion / Uloga usredotočene svjesnosti i emocionalne inteligencije u samosuosjećanju
Martina Gajšek, Tajana Ljubin Golub Faculty of Teacher Education, Universit...
Evaluation of professional competencies from the standpoint of future teachers
Mirjana Stakić, Jelena Stamatović University in Kragujevac, Faculty of Educa...
Validation of the 21st century skills teaching and learning survey on a sample of croatian teachers / Validacija upitnika poučavanja vještina 21. stoljeća na uzorku hrvatskih učitelja
Katarina Matijević POU Hrvatski dom Petrinja
Montessori pedagogy: through the realm of human rights education and peace education
Višnja Rajić Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Zagreb vi...
Literacy as an Essential Competence for Teachers and Educators in the 21st Century
Sefedin Fehim Šehović Faculty of Education, University of Belgrade ...
Students' learning strategies in the context of project-based learning in mathematics university courses / Strategije učenja studenata u kontekstu projektnoga učenja u visokoškolskoj nastavi
Tonća Jukić1, Branka Gotovac2 1 University of Split, Faculty of Humanities a...
The relationship between educational philosophies and self-efficacy of lower secondary education teachers / Povezanost odgojno-obrazovnih filozofija i samoučinkovitosti učitelja nižega seku
Petra Bajčić University of Zagreb, Faculty of Teacher Education pet...
What do children teach us / Čemu nas uče djeca
Lejla Kafedžić, Snježana Šušnjara Univerzitet u Sarajevu - Filozofski fakult...
Why Arab parents speak English to their children at home
Reima Saado Al-Jarf King Saud University ...
Creative Andragogic Methods in Teaching Young People who have Completed Formal Education / Kreativne andragoške metode u poučavanju mladih koji su završili formalno obrazovanje
Snježana Dubovicki, Anita Kostanjčar University of Osijek, Faculty of Educat...
Development of potentials and competences through the KOKODA preschool
Lasta Pavić Orešković Kokoda Mali kućni vrtić ...
Usage Evaluation of Learning Management System in Albanian Universities
Virtyt Lesha1, Jozef Bushati2, Imelda Zadeja2 1 Metropolitan University of T...
Self-efficacy of future teachers of early and preschool education in the implementation of musical activities in kindergarten
Lidija Nikolić, Ana Bićanić Faculty of Education, University of Josip Juraj ...
Children's speech and language development with modern media / Dječji govorni i jezični razvoj uz suvremene medije
Tatjana Bašić Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Zagreb ba...
Children's language development and fostering communicative competence within program documents - a historical overview / Dječji jezični razvoj i poticanje komunikacijske kompetencije u progr
Tatjana Bašić Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Zagreb ba...
Teacher of Vocational Subjects - Apprentice / Nastavnik strukovnih predmeta - pripravnik
Đurđica Stanešić, Kristina Vokić Škola za medicinske sestre Mlinarska ...
Satisfaction with promotion of teachers to higher ranks in primary school / Zadovoljstvo napredovanjem učitelja u osnovnoj školi
Kristina Zlatović, Tomislava Vidić Faculty of Teacher Education, University ...