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Odgoj, škola i tradicijsko mišljenje / Education, school, and traditional thinking

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Silov, Mile 

Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Učiteljski fakultet

Odgoj i obrazovanje za socijalnu i kulturalnu raznolikost

Broj rada: 66



Autor razmatra odgoj i školu u kontekstu tradicije i tradicijskoga mišljenja. Tradicija i njezini pojavni oblici bitna su odrednica tradicijskoga mišljenja. Strukturu tradicijskoga mišljenja temeljito je razradila Rihtman-Auguštin (1984). Važno je na suvremen način izvesti terminološku i semantičku analizu pojmova: nacija, narod, tradicija, tradicijska kultura, tradicijsko mišljenje, tradicionalan odgoj, narodna pedagogija, folk pedagogija, muzejska pedagogija i etnopedagogija. Kako tradicijsko mišljenje razmatra odnose: tradicija, inovacija i reforma; tradicija i vrednote te smisao tradicije danas? Tradicijsko mišljenje kao mogućnost za kritiku školskih reformi.

Svrha je rada analiza odnosa odgoja i škole prema tradicijskoj kulturi i tradicijskom mišljenju. Od općih metoda istraživanja koristili smo deskriptivnu i kauzalnu metodu te od posebnih metodu hermeneutike i pedagošku kritiku.

Autor je analizirao odnos kulture, etnologije, znanstvene pedagogije i obilježja narodne pedagogije. Basariček (1892) je pojam odgoj definirao u skladu s odredbama narodne pedagogije: „Kakav će biti odgoj, najviše o tome odlučuju: vjera, običaji, uredbe i duh naroda“. Antun i Stjepan Radić ističu važnost tradicijske kulture i narodne pedagogije u životu čovjeka i društva. Od sredine 20. stoljeća javlja se termin etnopedagogija (Volkov; Tufekčić, 2012). Biblijsko nasljeđe bitno je utjecalo na hrvatsku tradicijsku kulturu (Botica, 2011). Vrijednost naše tradicijske kulture poznata je u Europi i ostatku svijeta. Autor analizira i primjere dobre prakse: tradicijska kultura u hrvatskom društvu i školskom sustavu.

Ključne riječi

odgoj; škola; tradicija; tradicijska kultura; tradicijsko mišljenje

Silov, Mile 

University of Zagreb, Faculty of Teacher Education

Education for social and cultural diversity

Number of the paper: 66



The author elaborates education and school in the context of tradition and traditional thinking. Tradition and its manifestations are an important determinant of traditional thinking. The structure of traditional thinking was thoroughly elaborated by Rihtman-Auguštin (1984). It is important to carry out a modern terminological and semantic analysis of the terms: nation, people, tradition, traditional culture, traditional thinking, traditional education, folk pedagogy, folk pedagogy, museum pedagogy, and ethnopedagogy. How traditional thinking considers relationships: tradition, innovation and reform; tradition and values, and the meaning of tradition today? Traditional thinking as a possibility for criticism of school reforms.

The purpose of the paper is to analyze the relationship between education and school according to traditional culture and traditional thinking. The general research methods used were descriptive and causal methods, while hermeneutics and pedagogical criticism were used as special methods.

The author analyzed the relationship between culture, ethnology, scientific pedagogy, and features of folk pedagogy. Basariček (1892) defined the term education in accordance with the provisions of folk pedagogy: "What education will be, it is mostly decided by: religion, customs, decrees and the spirit of the people". Antun and Stjepan Radić emphasize the importance of traditional culture and folk pedagogy in the life of man and society. The term ethnopedagogy appeared (Volkov; Tufekčić, 2012) in mid 20th century. Biblical heritage had a significant impact on Croatian traditional culture (Botica, 2011). The value of our traditional culture is known in Europe and the rest of the world. The author also analyzes examples of good practice: traditional culture in Croatian society and the school system.

Key words

education, school; tradition; traditional culture; traditional thinking