Education for innovation and research
How to stimulate the research spirit and curiosity among children and young people? How to involve the children’s and youth’s voices in the creation and evaluation of educational policies and practices?
Section Editor: izv. prof. dr. sc. Nevenka Maras
Usporedba kurikula Hrvatskoga jezika u osnovnoj školi u Republici Hrvatskoj i u Bosni i Hercegovini / Comparative analysis of Croatian language curricula in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina
Tihana Bilešić Alfa d. d. Odgoj ...
Evaluation of high school Biology teachers' satisfaction with the reformed Biology curriculum: A case study from Croatia
Mirela Sertić Perić1, Klara Draženović2, Sanda Ilić3, Ivana Delač3, Romana Ha...
Physics students’ ideas about inquiry-based-education: A qualitative approach
Aleksandra Maksimovic University of Kragujevac aleksandra.maksimovic...
Leading quality changes in the education system of the Republic of Croatia - supernatural aspiration or compelling reality?
Emanuela Ham, Monika Terlević University of Josipa Jurja Strossmayera Osijek,...
Kako potaknuti istraživački duh i kreativnost učenika osnovnoškolskoga obrazovanja / How to stimulate the research spirit and creativity in primary school students?
Lidija Rudić Osnovna škola Juraj Baraković, Ražanac lidijamiocic2@gm...
Nastavna sredstva i pomagala u metodi simulacije / Teaching aids in the Simulation Method
Kristina Horvat, Tina Jelić Balta Filozofski fakultet, Sveučilište Josipa Jur...
Generativna umjetna inteligencija i igrifikacija u obrazovanju / Generative artificial intelligence and gamification in education
Ivana Medica Ružić, Mario Dumančić Osnovna škola Jože Šurana, Višnjan Sveuči...
Sources of stress among teachers in primary schools
Katarina Grgec Ministry of science, education, and youth
Verbal associations of preschool children to the names of certain colors and feelings – stereotypes and changes
Višnja Mićić University of Belgrade, Teacher Education Faculty, Serbia ...
Student’ self-assessment of asking questions in class
Martin Hadelan, Ana Maria Marinac Faculty of Philosophy, University of Josip J...
Pessimism, optimism, and defensive pessimism as predictors of school success, school and life satisfaction of high school students
Marija Luter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education marij...
Curriculum of vocational education institutions
Kristina Vokić1, Renata Jukić, Đurđica Stanešić1 1Nursing School Mlinarska Un...
LASSO and RIDGE linear regression – better prediction or much more?
Siniša Opić University of Zagreb, Faculty of Teacher Education sinis...
Obvezno obrazovanje u Republici Hrvatskoj i Estoniji: komparativna analiza kurikula matematike / Compulsory education in the Republic of Croatia and Estonia: A comparative analysis of the
Ana Krišto Osnovna škola Petar Preradović ...