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Non-visual motives in art education: visualization, correlation, synesthesia and ideaesthesia / Nevizualni motivi u likovnoj edukaciji: vizualizacija, korelacija, sinestezija i ideastezija

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Miroslav Huzjak

Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Zagreb

The importance of art education for the cognitive, social, and emotional development of children and youth

Number of the paper: 156



Non-visual motifs are those that are not seen by the eyes but by other senses: smell, touch, taste, and hearing. We can roughly divide such motifs into sensations and feelings. After the empirical experience of reality with the senses, man looks for regularities in the observed, in which visualization also plays a role as one of the tools for dealing with experience. In order to avoid visualization in art education to become a banal illustration, it is useful to use structural correlation. It is based on the structure, mutual relations of what is being visualized, by connecting common compositional grammar (so-called syntagms). Synesthesia offers another possibility for visualization. It is an atypical (unusual) neurological condition in which the synesthetist connects, that is, combines different sensations: sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell. For example, synaestheses experience color when looking at letters, or when listening to sounds, they have an activated sense of taste or touch. A synesthete experiences non-visual motifs in a certain way: sees sounds, hears colors, smells and tastes, and in other ways unifies the perception of the surroundings. To a lesser extent, synesthesia can be experienced by all people - for example, we perceive deep sounds as "dark" and high sounds as "bright", and expressions such as "warm and cold" colors, "rough" voice or "velvety" voice are also common. The research was conducted to reveal the reaction of elementary school students to various non-visual stimuli, to determine the way of artistic expression to non-visual stimuli, and to identify potential synesthetes at that age. It established that there is no statistically significant difference between boys and girls, and colors that are preferred along with certain letters, numbers, words, tastes, and sounds were established.

Key words

ideaesthesia and perception in classroom teaching, non-visual motives in art education, synaesthesia, visualization and correlation in art expression

Miroslav Huzjak

Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Zagreb

Važnost umjetničkog obrazovanja

Broj rada: 156  


Nevizualni motivi su oni koje se ne vide očima već drugim osjetilima; mirisom, dodirom, okusom i sluhom. Takve motive možemo ugrubo podijeliti na osjete i na osjećaje. Nakon empirijskoga doživljaja stvarnosti osjetilima, čovjek traži zakonitosti u opaženom, u čemu svoju ulogu ima i vizualizacija kao jedno od oruđa za postupanje s iskustvom. Kako bi se izbjeglo da vizualizacija u likovnoj edukaciji postane banalna ilustracija, korisno je upotrijebiti strukturalnu korelaciju. Ona se temelji na strukturi, međusobnim odnosima onoga što se vizualizira, povezivanjem zajedničke kompozicijske gramatike (tzv. sintagmama). Još jednu mogućnost za vizualizaciju nudi sinestezija. Radi se o atipičnom (neuobičajenom) neurološkom stanju u kojem sinestetičar povezuje, odnosno spaja različite osjete: vid, sluh, dodir, okus i njuh. Sinesteti primjerice, gledajući slova imaju doživljaj boje ili slušajući zvukove imaju aktiviran osjet okusa ili dodira. Sinestet na određen način doživljava nevizualne motive: vidi zvukove, čuje boje, mirise i okuse te na druge načine ujedinjuje percepciju okolice. U manjoj mjeri, sinesteziju mogu doživjeti svi ljudi – recimo, duboke zvukove doživljavamo „tamnima“ a visoke „svijetlima“, a uobičajeni su i izrazi kao što su „tople i hladne“ boje, „hrapavi“ glas ili „baršunast“ glas. Provedeno je istraživanje u svrhu reakcije učenika razredne nastave u osnovnoj školi na razne nevizualne poticaje, utvrđivanja načina likovnoga izražavanja na nevizualne poticaje te u svrhu identifikacije potencijalnih sinesteta u toj dobi. Ustanovilo se da nema statistički značajne razlike između dječaka i djevojčica, a ustanovile su se boje koje se preferiraju uz određena slova, brojke, riječi, okuse i zvukove.

Ključne riječi

vizualizacija i korelacija u likovnom izražavanju; nevizualni motivi u likovnoj edukaciji; sinestezija; ideastezija i percepcija u razrednoj nastavi