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Students' attitudes towards artificial intelligence / Stavovi učenika prema umjetnoj inteligenciji

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Ivan Filipović

OŠ Frana Galovića

Education for digital transformation

Number of the paper: 135



The aim of the research is to investigate the predictors that contribute to the prevalence of Chat GPT use and the attitudes of 8th grade students towards artificial intelligence in the city of Zagreb. Artificial intelligence and various tools such as Chat GPT are becoming more and more present in students' lives, while their use in schools is still not defined, and teachers decide on the implementation or ban of artificial intelligence tools. The population of respondents is defined as the population of 8th-grade students in the City of Zagreb (N=7670), and the total number in the study will be 250. The size of the subsample (boys and girls) will be approximately the same in order to ensure a normal distribution and to meet the parametric requirements. For the purposes of the research, four research hypotheses were set. Boys are expected to differ from girls regarding cognitive, affective, and behavioral components of attitude towards artificial intelligence. In order to collect data, four schools in the City of Zagreb will be included, one each from the east, west, south and the city center. The use of a random stratified sample at the level of Croatia and with a larger number of participants would enable the generalization of the conclusions at the level of the population.

Key words

artificial intelligence, attitudes, Chat GPT, students

Ivan Filipović

OŠ Frana Galovića

Odgoj i obrazovanje za digitalnu transformaciju

Broj rada: 135  



Cilj je istraživanja istražiti prediktore koji doprinose prevalenciji korištenja Chat GPT-a i stavove učenika 8. razreda prema umjetnoj inteligenciji u gradu Zagrebu. Umjetna inteligencija i razni alati poput Chat GPT-a postaju sve prisutniji u životima učenika, a upotreba istih u školama još uvijek nije definirana te profesori odlučuju o implementaciji ili zabrani alata umjetne inteligencije. Populacija ispitanika definirana je kao populacija učenika 8. razreda Grada Zagreba (N = 7670), a ukupan broj u istraživanju će biti 250. Veličina poduzorka (dječaka i djevojčica) bit će približno ista kako bi se osigurala normalna distribucija te zadovoljili preduvjeti za parametriju. Za potrebe istraživanja postavljene su četiri istraživačke hipoteze. Očekuje se da se dječaci razlikuju od djevojčica s obzirom na kognitivnu, afektivnu i ponašajnu komponentu stava prema umjetnoj inteligenciji. U cilju prikupljanja podataka bit će obuhvaćene četiri škole u Gradu Zagrebu, po jedna s istoka, zapada, juga te iz centra grada. Korištenje slučajnoga stratificiranog uzorka na razini Hrvatske i s većim brojem sudionika omogućilo bi generaliziranje zaključaka na razini populacije.


Ključne riječi

Chat GPT, stavovi, učenici, umjetna inteligencija