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The relationship between students’ perceptions of their school environment and motivation for sport and exercise / Povezanost učeničkih percepcija školskoga okružja i motivacije za sport i tj

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Ivan Šerbetar1, Mirta Marija Mušec2

1Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Zagreb

2Primary school Vladimi Nazor Budinščina

 Kinesiology education and sports

Number of the paper: 185



The study aimed to examine the relationships between students' perception of their school environment, which includes the relationship between teachers, students, coaches, school equipment and arrangement, and the impact of the environment on student motivation for sports and exercise. The research was conducted on a sample of 139 children aged 7 to 10, who attend the second, third, and fourth grades.

Students completed the Participation Motivation Questionnaire (PMQ; Gill, Gross, & Huddleston, 1983) and the School Environment Questionnaire (Q-SPACE; Robertson-Wilson, Lévesque, & Holden, 2007). 

Statistical analysis showed that children like to spend time with friends, prefer to do something they are good at, and do not pay attention to reputation and popularity. The data also showed that children were motivated by motor skill development, exercise, having fun, and a team atmosphere. The differences between the genders were not statistically significant. A high correlation between the motivation to participate and the school environment was found (r=.62, p<.01). The scales of skills/competitiveness (r= .47, p < .01) and team atmosphere (r=.44, p < .01) correlated the most with the social environment scale.

According to the results of the current research, the school environment is important for children since they spend a significant part of their time at school. At school, they should be informed about the physical activities that are carried out within the school, but also in the community, so that they can acquire the habit of engaging in physical activities.

Key words

exercise equipment, exercise facility, motivation, school-age children

Ivan Šerbetar1, Mirta Marija Mušec2

1Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Zagreb

2Primary school Vladimi Nazor Budinščina

Kineziološka edukacija i sport 

Broj rada: 185  


U istraživanju je ispitan odnos između učeničke percepcije školskoga okružja, što uključuje odnos učitelja, učenika, trenera, opreme i uređenosti škole te utjecaja okružja na motivaciju učenika za sport i tjelovježbu. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 139 djece u dobi od 7 do 10 godina koja su pohađala drugi, treći i četvrti razred.

Učenici su ispunjavali Upitnik o motivaciji za sudjelovanje (PMQ; Gill, Gross i Huddleston, 1983) i Upitnik o školskom okružju (Q-SPACE; Robertson-Wilson, Lévesque i Holden, 2007).

Statistička je analiza pokazala da djeca vole provoditi vrijeme s prijateljima i radije rade nešto u čemu su dobri, a ne obraćaju pažnju na ugled i popularnost. Rezultati su također pokazali da su djeca bila motivirana razvojem motoričkih vještina, vježbanjem, zabavom i timskom atmosferom. Razlike među spolovima nisu bile statistički značajne. Utvrđena je visoka korelacija između motivacije za sudjelovanje i školskoga okružja (r = ,62, p < ,01). Ljestvice vještine/kompetitivnost (r = ,47, p < ,01) i timska atmosfera (r = ,44, p < ,01) najviše koreliraju s ljestvicom socijalnoga okružja.

Sudeći prema rezultatima istraživanja, školsko je okružje važno za djecu budući da u školi provode značajan dio svojega vremena. U školi ih treba informirati o tjelesnim aktivnostima koje se provode unutar škole, ali i u zajednici, kako bi stekli naviku bavljenja tjelesnim aktivnostima.

Ključne riječi

oprema za vježbanje; prostor za vježbanje; motivacija; djeca školske dobi