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Stavovi studenata prema inkluziji učenika migranata i tražitelja azila u obrazovni sustav Srbije / Students’ attitudes towards the inclusion of migrant and asylum seeker students in the educa

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Marina Ž. Semiz 

Univerzitet u Kragujevcu, Pedagoški fakultet Užice, Srbija

Odgoj i obrazovanje za socijalnu i kulturalnu raznolikost 

Broj rada: 77



Važan aspekt migracijske i useljeničke politike u EU i izvan njezinih granica jest uključivanje učenika migranata i tražitelja azila u obrazovni sustav zemalja domaćina. Dosadašnja istraživanja potvrđuju važnost uključivanja učenika migranata i tražitelja azila u škole jer se time poštuju njihova prava, poboljšava njihov položaj u društvu i mogućnost kasnijega uspješnog sudjelovanja u društvu. Polazeći od obrazovne politike prema djeci migrantima i tražiteljima azila u EU i Srbiji te koncepta inkluzivne škole, provedeno je istraživanje s ciljem ispitivanja stavova studenta prema inkluziji učenika migranata i tražitelja azila u obrazovni sustav Srbije. Primijenjena je deskriptivno-neeksperimentalna metoda, tehnika anketiranja, a posebno su konstruirana dva istraživačka instrumenta. Uzorak je obuhvatio studente fakulteta za obrazovanje učitelja, nastavnika i pedagoga (N = 261) s pet sveučilišta u Srbiji. Rezultati pokazuju da većina studenata ima umjereno pozitivne stavove prema inkluziji studenata migranata i tražitelja azila u obrazovni sustav, a strukturu njihovih stavova možemo sagledati kroz tri čimbenika: važnost inkluzije i društvene participacije, resurse za podršku inkluziji i prepreke za inkluziju. S obzirom na dobivene rezultate, prepoznaje se potreba za inoviranjem studijskih programa na pedagoškim i nastavničkim fakultetima te za većom zastupljenošću stručno-aplikativnih predmeta u funkciji stjecanja znanja i razvijanja kompetencija za budući rad sa studentima migrantima i tražiteljima azila.

Ključne riječi

obrazovne politike; nastavnički i pedagoški fakulteti; obrazovna inkluzija; inkluzivna škola; migracije

Marina Ž. Semiz  

Faculty of Education in Užice, University of Kragujevac, Serbia


Education for social and cultural diversity

Number of the paper: 77



The inclusion of migrant and asylum seeker students in the education system of the host country represents an important aspect of the migration and asylum policy of the EU and beyond. Previous research confirms the importance of the inclusion of migrant and asylum seeker students in school since it respects their rights, improves their social status, and provides opportunities for later successful participation in society. Starting with the education policy towards migrant and asylum seeker children in the EU and Serbia as well as the concept of inclusive school, the research was conducted with the aim of investigating students’ attitudes towards the inclusion of migrant and asylum seeker students in the education system of Serbia. A descriptive-non-experimental research method, survey technique, as well as two specifically designed research instruments were used. The sample was drawn from the population of students majoring in education (N=261) from five Serbian universities. The research results show that most of the students have moderately positive attitudes towards the inclusion of migrant and asylum seeker students in the education system, and the structure of their attitudes can be perceived through three factors: the importance of inclusion and social participation, support resources for inclusion and barriers to inclusion. The obtained results suggest the need for introducing innovative study programs into faculties of education and increase the availability of professional application courses to equip future teachers with the knowledge and skills necessary for working with migrant and asylum seeker students.

Key words

education policies, faculties of education, inclusion in education, inclusive school, migration